Acquired Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Acquired Brain Injury
A person's recovery from an acquired brain injury is unique to each individual, but many things will change throughout the process. While the symptoms may vary, most individuals will experience some form of cognitive impairment. These impairments may affect motor functions, basic sensory functions, or multiple body systems. They can also affect perception, language, attention, and learning. Here are some of the most common behavioral symptoms. In the event that you have sustained an acquired brain injury, you should consult a doctor for an assessment.
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Acquired brain injury can occur during any time in a person's life. It can result in multiple problems and can be a separate diagnosis from mental illness or intellectual disability. The brain is a delicate organ that controls all aspects of living and even a mild injury can cause serious disabilities. Damage to the brain can negatively affect a person's intellectual functioning, their ability to control their thoughts, and their overall well-being. If you suspect you or someone you know has suffered an acquired brain injury, contact your physician immediately. You should also call the number triple zero (000) for emergency medical assistance.
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The severity of ABI varies from person to person, but in general, people who sustain one usually report impaired memory and impaired functioning. The onset of an acquired brain injury can be gradual and insidious. It can result from prolonged alcohol and substance abuse, traumatic brain injury, tumours, or degenerative neurological conditions. Any type of brain damage, after birth or during adolescence, can result in an acquired brain injury.
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While acquired brain injury is similar to traumatic brain injury, there are some important differences between the two. A stroke, for instance, can disrupt blood supply to a portion of the brain, which causes injury. Another form of acquired brain injury is brain haemorrhage, which is bleeding inside the brain and caused by a ruptured aneurysm. A brain tumour, on the other hand, is an abnormal mass of tissue within the skull. The brain tumour is the result of cells dividing too quickly.
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The therapeutic environment should meet the needs of the individual. It should provide structure and distraction to help the individual with the acquired brain injury function as independently as possible. The patient may be unable to return to work or the community if they are isolated. This is where a combination of individual and group therapies can help. The patient can focus on a particular area of the brain that is affected by the injury while simultaneously integrating strategies from different areas.
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There are different types of acquired brain injury, such as traumatic brain injuries and diffuse axonal damage. Traumatic brain injury is most commonly caused by road traffic accidents, but it can also be the result of assault, gunshot wounds, or sporting injuries. A person suffering from this condition will often lose consciousness and may have long-term unconsciousness or even coma. This is a serious condition and should be treated immediately. If you or someone you love has been injured by a traumatic brain injury, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
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Acquired brain injuries are caused by a variety of factors, including poor management and a lack of data collection systems. While many factors contribute to the high rate of acquired brain injury in India, there are several other challenges to quantifying the burden of the disease in the country. Lack of standardized reporting systems, limited sample sizes, and limited data on the causes and severity of acquired brain injuries are among the major hindrances. As a result, this disease continues to be a growing burden on India's healthcare system.