Acquired Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Acquired Brain Injury
An acquired brain injury can cause a variety of physical and emotional changes, including reduced ability to tolerate stress, impatience, apathy, fatigue, pain, sensory changes, and altered behavior. The prognosis provided by a doctor is a guide to how well an individual can recover. It differs greatly for every individual and depends on several factors. This section of the guide discusses the types of changes patients may experience, as well as the types of services available to them.
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Depending on the type of brain injury, treatment may include surgery to stop bleeding and monitor intracranial pressure, treating other injuries and infections, and monitoring the child for seizures. Although some children can recover fully, many will suffer long-term damage, including personality and communication problems. Recovery time from an acquired brain injury can range from weeks to years. It also depends on whether the injury is severe or mild. For instance, a child who suffers from a severe head injury will need to be hospitalized for at least six weeks.
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Unlike congenital or degenerative brain conditions, acquired brain injury occurs after birth. It can be the result of an accident, a disease, or a medical condition. While there is no clear definition for this type of injury, the effects can be devastating. Because the brain controls every aspect of life, a slight damage to the brain can result in profound disability and interfere with daily activities. For instance, a person suffering from acquired brain injury may experience difficulty controlling their emotions and thinking, as well as having problems with social interaction and memory.
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Acquired brain injury occurs when the brain does not receive enough oxygen, such as during a near-drowning accident. Other causes of acquired brain injury include prolonged seizures or cardiac complications. The types of acquired brain injury differ from person to person, but they have some common traits. A child suffering from a severe case of acquired brain injury is likely to suffer a wide range of symptoms. These injuries are often caused by accidents that are not your fault, such as a fall.
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There are many different types of acquired brain injury, which range from mild concussion to an advanced coma. Some of the common symptoms of this type of injury are loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, nausea, and confusion. The individual may also experience long-term or permanent difficulty concentrating and memory, altered sleep patterns, and even seizures. This type of injury requires surgery to correct. This type of acquired brain injury can lead to long-term disabilities as well as psychological and social problems.
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While the aging population is a primary cause of TBI, preventing falls and other injuries to the head is crucial. There are a number of registries that study TBI globally, but few population-based data on non-traumatic brain injury (nTBI). While many people with TBI have similar functional disabilities, they are often unaware of their condition until it becomes too late. For clinicians serving older adults, training in screening, diagnosis, and management of potentially life-changing conditions is essential.
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Caring for someone with an ABI may prove to be difficult. Support groups such as Brain Injury Australia and Synapse can offer helpful information and guidance. Depending on the nature of the injury, rehabilitation can range from minimal to full recovery. In the meantime, further research is needed to find the best treatment. While a person's memory may improve after an acquired brain injury, a patient may not be able to fully recover. The best treatment for an acquired brain injury is appropriate for each individual.
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Although the prevalence of acquired brain injury is increasing in the United States, it is still difficult to quantify the burden in the country. The lack of a standard reporting system makes it difficult to come up with reliable statistics from routinely collected data. Furthermore, lack of a well-established system of disease management hampers research on this topic in India. There is no central database to compile data about acquired brain injury, so there are only a few studies that describe the incidence of the condition in a particular region.
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Traumatic brain injury is a form of acquired brain injury that occurs due to a traumatic event. The most common type of ABI is a blow to the head, but it can also occur in other situations, such as a fall or a violent assault. In addition to physical injuries, the brain is damaged through acceleration or deceleration. Bruising and fractures may also lead to brain damage. In addition to being a serious issue, repeated brain injuries can lead to long-term problems with learning and speaking.