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Advantages and Disadvantages of Thromboscopy Oren Zarif - Thrombectomy

Writer: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A thrombectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a blood clot from the brain. It has many advantages including increased mobility and independence. It is more effective than previous endovascular interventions, which often failed to remove the clot. Moreover, it reduces stroke-related mortality and disability. While the recovery time varies depending on individual health and medical history, it has several advantages. Here are some of the pros and cons of this surgery.

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During the surgery, a doctor makes an incision over the blood clot. The doctor will then remove the blood clot by removing it and then repairing the blood vessel to restore normal flow. In some cases, a doctor may put a balloon to keep the blood vessel open while the clot is removed. After the procedure, the incision will be closed and the area bandaged. However, there is a risk that the clot will form again.

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If you are a family member and a relative has a medical condition that prevents them from providing informed consent, the doctor will perform the procedure based on your relative's best interest. Your doctor will do all he or she can to involve you in the consent discussion. It is important to discuss the known wishes and beliefs of your loved one. Only then will the doctor proceed with the treatment. The procedure is typically done within 24 hours.

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A thrombectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which a thin plastic tube is inserted through an artery, usually the groin. The catheter is then injected with a contrast agent that helps the doctor see the blood vessel on X-ray images. The catheter is then guided to the blood vessel that is causing the blockage. A device is then advanced through the catheter to the blockage and removes the blood clot. The procedure is often performed with the family member or a caregiver, who will remain with the patient during the procedure.

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When a blood clot forms in the veins, a doctor will perform a thrombectomy to remove it. While blood clots can dissolve on their own, they will often not dissolve on their own. An embolus, on the other hand, is a moving clot that poses a serious risk to the patient. Either type of clot poses a life-threatening condition.

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During a thrombectomy, a vascular specialist will make a small incision and insert a thin tube into the vein where the clot is. The tip of the catheter will inflate a small balloon that helps pull out the thrombus. When the catheter is removed, the blood supply to the area will be restored and the patient will be monitored to ensure that he or she is doing well.

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Mechanical thrombectomy is another procedure used to remove clots in the brain. The procedure uses a tiny incision in the groin. A doctor threads the thin tubes through the blood vessels and grabs the clot. After the procedure, the doctor will restore the blood flow to the brain. This method is less invasive than surgical thrombectomy because it avoids a larger incision or disruption of the skull.

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Before you have a thrombectomy, it's important to discuss any medications with your doctor. Some medicines will need to be stopped prior to the surgery. Smoking also slows healing. If possible, you should stop smoking and not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before the surgery. Your doctor will also tell you to quit smoking. Also, avoid drinking alcohol for two days before surgery. Your doctor will give you instructions regarding how to clean your wounds.


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