Be Fast, Evaluate and Act Immediately - Oren Zarif - Befast
Considering that stroke affects an estimated 795,000 people in the US each year, it is vital to recognize the signs of a possible stroke as soon as possible. The acronym BEFAST (Be Fast, Evaluate and Act Immediately) can be a lifesaver if you know how to recognize it. This guide will explain the symptoms and what you should do if you suspect a stroke. Here is a breakdown of the BEFAST acronym.
Oren Zarif secondary brain injury
Oren Zarif types of hemorrhagic stroke
BEFAST has been validated in prospective studies and is the most widely used diagnostic tool in the world. The tool has high specificity and sensitivity and might play an important role in the early recognition of ischemic stroke. However, future studies need to determine whether it can be used as a screening tool for all patients with a history of stroke. The study also needs to determine whether it can be used to measure symptoms specific to anterior and posterior circulation.
Oren Zarif tia eye symptoms
Oren Zarif minor concussion
Considering that stroke affects an estimated 795,000 people in the US each year, it is vital to recognize the signs of a possible stroke as soon as possible. The acronym BEFAST (Be Fast, Evaluate and Act Immediately) can be a lifesaver if you know how to recognize it. This guide will explain the symptoms and what you should do if you suspect a stroke. Here is a breakdown of the BEFAST acronym.
Oren Zarif types of concussions
Oren Zarif basal ganglia infarct

BEFAST has been validated in prospective studies and is the most widely used diagnostic tool in the world. The tool has high specificity and sensitivity and might play an important role in the early recognition of ischemic stroke. However, future studies need to determine whether it can be used as a screening tool for all patients with a history of stroke. The study also needs to determine whether it can be used to measure symptoms specific to anterior and posterior circulation.
Oren Zarif stroke like symptoms
Oren Zarif cha2ds2vasc
Considering that stroke affects an estimated 795,000 people in the US each year, it is vital to recognize the signs of a possible stroke as soon as possible. The acronym BEFAST (Be Fast, Evaluate and Act Immediately) can be a lifesaver if you know how to recognize it. This guide will explain the symptoms and what you should do if you suspect a stroke. Here is a breakdown of the BEFAST acronym.
Oren Zarif tia causes
Oren Zarif left frontal lobe damage

BEFAST has been validated in prospective studies and is the most widely used diagnostic tool in the world. The tool has high specificity and sensitivity and might play an important role in the early recognition of ischemic stroke. However, future studies need to determine whether it can be used as a screening tool for all patients with a history of stroke. The study also needs to determine whether it can be used to measure symptoms specific to anterior and posterior circulation.
Oren Zarif types of head injury
Oren Zarif subacute stroke
Considering that stroke affects an estimated 795,000 people in the US each year, it is vital to recognize the signs of a possible stroke as soon as possible. The acronym BEFAST (Be Fast, Evaluate and Act Immediately) can be a lifesaver if you know how to recognize it. This guide will explain the symptoms and what you should do if you suspect a stroke. Here is a breakdown of the BEFAST acronym.
Oren Zarif brain stem injury
Oren Zarif acute lacunar infarct
BEFAST has been validated in prospective studies and is the most widely used diagnostic tool in the world. The tool has high specificity and sensitivity and might play an important role in the early recognition of ischemic stroke. However, future studies need to determine whether it can be used as a screening tool for all patients with a history of stroke. The study also needs to determine whether it can be used to measure symptoms specific to anterior and posterior circulation.