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Brain Bleed - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - Oren Zarif - Brain Bleed

Writer: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A diagnosis of Brain Bleed is crucial to providing the appropriate treatment. The exact cause of brain bleeding is often not immediately apparent when a patient arrives at an emergency room. However, if the bleed is the result of head trauma, the causes are usually obvious. When a patient is in the emergency room, he or she will be asked questions to determine the exact cause of their symptoms. A traumatic event such as falling or hitting an object may cause the bleed to occur.

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In many cases, a brain bleed can be treated without the need for additional surgery. In most cases, an aneurysm is repaired using a minimally invasive technique. Patients may also require medical management, such as IV fluids with closely monitored sodium and glucose levels to prevent further edema. Upon discharge from the hospital, a person may also need assistance with self-care and physical therapy. They may also need to re-learn basic skills like dressing and bathing.

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The type of treatment for a brain bleed will depend on the size of the hematoma, its location, and the extent of the swelling in the affected area. Treatment may involve medications or surgery. While the symptoms of brain bleed may vary from person to person, prompt medical treatment can optimize the outcome of the patient. A physician will determine the type of bleeding in the brain to determine the most appropriate treatment. If you suffer from a stroke or an accident, you should seek medical attention immediately.

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The causes of brain bleeding can vary, but some common risks include heavy alcohol use, drug use, and cocaine. Some prescription medications may also increase the risk of brain hemorrhage. Depending on the location of the bleeding and the severity of the hemorrhage, the symptoms can range from mild to severe. Some patients will have sudden or prolonged symptoms, and others will exhibit a gradual progression over several hours. Sometimes, the symptoms of brain bleeding may overlap with other medical conditions.

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A ruptured blood vessel or aneurysm in the brain is the most common cause of brain bleeding. It can occur spontaneously or be caused by trauma. The most common symptom of a brain bleed is a sudden, intense headache. This is not uncommon for people suffering from migraines, although other symptoms may overshadow the initial severe headache. When you notice these symptoms, seek medical treatment immediately to decrease the risks of complications and even death.

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The onset of brain bleeding is usually accompanied by swelling of the head. While this may occur naturally during delivery, it can also be caused by pressure on the skull while the baby travels down the birth canal. Vacuum delivery is another cause of a severe brain bleed. In addition to swelling in the head, your baby may display other signs of distress. Poor feeding, bluish skin in the mouth, and a high-pitched wail can all be signs of an intracranial bleed.

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If your baby has suffered a brain bleed, you must seek medical care immediately. Although it is possible for minor brain bleeds to heal without affecting your ability to move or speak, a serious bleed can cause long-term effects. A severe bleed can lead to learning disabilities and even cerebral palsy. If the bleed is severe enough, you may need a surgical procedure to repair the damage. If the bleeding is severe enough, it can lead to serious complications, such as learning disabilities and disability.

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The causes of brain bleeding are as diverse as those that cause a stroke. Brain hemorrhages are caused by trauma, a brain tumor, or a ruptured blood vessel. If you suspect a bleed, call your doctor or 911 for an emergency room visit immediately. Your doctor will perform imaging tests to confirm the cause of the bleeding and reduce the swelling in the brain. If you have a brain tumor or an aneurysm, surgery may be necessary to stop the bleeding.

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While brain bleeding may seem harmless, it can be dangerous, and the symptoms are often nonspecific. Headache, blurred vision, weakness, slurred speech, and seizures can all be signs of a serious medical condition. Although symptoms of a brain bleed are non-specific, they are important to recognize as soon as possible. A traumatic event, such as a fall, can cause bleeding to occur in the brain. If left untreated, a hematoma can result in excessive pressure and swelling in the brain, leading to death.


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