Brain Hemorrhage Symptoms and Treatment - Oren Zarif - Brain Hemorrhage
The symptoms of a brain hemorrhage vary according to the person and location of the bleeding. People with weak blood vessels, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancers are at greater risk for experiencing a bleed. Drugs and alcohol can also increase the risk of a brain hemorrhage. Fortunately, there are a number of effective treatments available. Listed below are some of the most common methods of treatment.
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Headaches are common symptoms of a brain bleed. Depending on the part of the brain affected, these symptoms may include problems with vision, balance, and coordination, weakness on one side, and difficulty speaking. Lower-brain bleeding can cause coma or unresponsiveness. Symptoms can come on suddenly, but treatment can help prevent permanent damage. To determine if you have a hemorrhage, seek medical treatment immediately.
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After treatment for brain hemorrhage symptoms, you should monitor your blood pressure and diet to help prevent further bleeds. Most brain hemorrhage patients have a history of high blood pressure. Controlling hypertension can help reduce the risk of future brain bleeds. Avoiding stimulants and using seat belts while driving can also reduce the risk of a brain bleed. If you think you might have an abnormality, it's worth investigating whether you can have corrective surgery.
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Treatment for a brain hemorrhage varies greatly depending on the location and size of the bleeding. Treatment may involve medications or surgery. Recovery will depend on the location and size of the hematoma, as well as your overall health. A doctor can prescribe medication to stop the bleeding and minimize swelling. Rehabilitation will likely follow, including exercises and nutritional changes to reduce the risk of further bleeding. While most patients recover without significant side effects from brain hemorrhages, the recovery process can take months.
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If you suspect you've suffered a brain hemorrhage, you should visit the hospital as soon as possible. The time between symptoms and the bleed itself can be critical. If you're able to get to a hospital immediately, you can minimize the damage to your brain and increase your chances of recovery. And while you may have to wait for a few hours after the bleed is discovered, a doctor can often detect the bleeding early through medical monitoring, which could save your life.
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A brain hemorrhage may occur in two different places inside the brain cavity. One type occurs inside the skull and the other occurs within the tissue surrounding the brain. These bleeds may occur in the skull or the meninges, which are the two outer layers covering the brain. Once inside the brain, a brain hemorrhage may cause pooling of blood that puts pressure on the brain. This causes damage to the brain's nerves, causing symptoms of neurological impairment.
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While a brain hemorrhage can be fatal, there are other symptoms of a brain hemorrhage that can lead to prolonged suffering. Depending on the location and extent of the bleeding, the symptoms of a brain hemorrhage can vary in frequency, duration, and intensity. Whether a brain hemorrhage is fatal or merely temporary, immediate medical attention should be sought.
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One type of brain hemorrhage occurs inside the skull, or subarachnoid hemorrhage. The primary symptoms of an ICH are vomiting, nausea, and brief loss of consciousness. The underlying cause of the bleeding may be trauma, an aneurysm, or other blood vessel problems. A small, superficial hemorrhage is usually undetectable on a CT scan, but large or deep ones may expand into the ventricles. If this happens, the blood may block the normal circulation of CSF.
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Most of the time, a brain hemorrhage occurs due to elevated blood pressure. High blood pressure weakens the arterial walls and allows blood to leak into the brain. This blood can damage brain cells, causing symptoms of stroke. A person can suffer from cerebral hemorrhage at any age. Although it occurs more often in adults, children can also suffer from this complication. If you suspect you are suffering from a hemorrhage, consult with a physician immediately. It is crucial to seek medical care as soon as possible because treatment is more effective if it occurs quickly.
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Neurological tests can help confirm the presence of a brain hemorrhage. Imaging tests such as MRIs are useful in determining the location of the bleeding. Your doctor may also recommend anticoagulant therapy to help visualize the bleeding and determine the cause. Once they know what is causing the bleeding, a treatment plan can be created to prevent further damage to the brain. This is a critical step in treating a brain hemorrhage, so it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention if you suspect a stroke.