Brain Hemorrhage Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Brain Hemorrhage
Depending on the region of the brain involved, symptoms of a brain hemorrhage may include headache. Some other symptoms of brain hemorrhage include numbness and weakness on one side, vision problems, and even sudden seizures. A stroke or head injury is another cause of brain hemorrhage. In the case of mild to moderate hemorrhage, the most common symptoms are a sudden, severe headache and nausea. Severe hemorrhage symptoms include loss of vision or motor functions.
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Treatment options for a brain hemorrhage vary, depending on how soon a patient is diagnosed. A doctor may prescribe medications to reduce pain, reduce swelling, and ease symptoms. He or she may also perform a neurological exam to check for any swelling in the optic nerve. In rare cases, a spinal tap may be necessary. However, this procedure has risks, such as causing a sudden drop in blood pressure. Surgery may be required to stop the bleeding and reduce the patient's risk of developing a stroke.
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If you suspect that you have suffered a brain hemorrhage, you should seek medical attention right away. The sooner you get treatment for a brain bleed, the less damage you will experience and the better your chance of recovery. You should visit a doctor as soon as you have any suspected symptoms, but remember that there is no substitute for prompt diagnosis and medical treatment. Your doctor will be able to assess the location of the bleeding and recommend the appropriate treatment.
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In the event of a brain hemorrhage, the symptoms may occur suddenly or gradually. In some cases, they begin to worsen over a few hours, or even days. The signs of brain hemorrhage may be a matter of time, depending on the location of the hemorrhage. Ultimately, a patient's quality of life may be impacted, as his or her movement, speech, and memory may be impaired as a result.
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If you think you may have a brain hemorrhage, your physician may perform several tests to confirm the condition. Imaging tests, such as MRIs, may help your doctor diagnose the cause of the bleeding. MRI scans of the brain can help doctors visualize the area and pinpoint the source of the bleeding. A doctor will perform a CT scan to further confirm the diagnosis. Even if the symptoms are mild, if you suspect that you are suffering from a brain hemorrhage, you should see a doctor right away. The sooner you receive medical treatment, the better the outcome.
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A high blood pressure is one of the most common causes of brain hemorrhages. It weakens the walls of the arterial system, which causes blood to accumulate in the brain and result in stroke symptoms. Other possible causes of bleeding in the brain include a head injury, which is especially common among younger people. While there are many reasons for a brain hemorrhage, the most common cause is a head injury.
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The symptoms of brain hemorrhage are similar to those of a stroke, but may be indicative of other conditions. The most common symptom is a weakness in one side of the body. You may experience difficulty walking, speaking, and doing normal activities. This condition is usually fatal. If you have any of these symptoms, it's imperative that you see a doctor right away. You don't want to suffer any longer from brain hemorrhages.
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When you have an aneurysm, surgery may be needed. A neurosurgeon will make an incision through the scalp and remove a piece of the skull to relieve the pressure created by the bleeding. A surgeon may also place a small metal clip or tube in the aneurysm to prevent it from rupturing. If the bleeding is due to a ruptured aneurysm, a surgeon will probably need to remove a portion of the skull to relieve the pressure.