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Brain Injury and Its Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Brain Injury

While most patients recover from a minor brain injury, some people who sustain moderate or severe head injuries will need repeated surgeries, high doses of antibiotics, and an array of therapies to regain their functionality. The severity of the injury and the extent of bleeds inside the skull will determine the degree of disability. For this reason, brain injury survivors are often referred to an intensive care unit for observation. Read on to learn more about brain injury and its symptoms.

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Treatment for a mild TBI usually involves taking over-the-counter pain relievers, gradually resuming normal activities, and following doctor's orders. However, if symptoms do not improve in a few days, you should contact your health care provider. Treatment for moderate to severe TBI starts with stabilizing the patient and managing blood pressure, reducing swelling and pressure on the brain. Further, rehabilitation may include physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.

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Symptoms of mild TBI may include confusion, lightheadedness, or dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, or a change in sleep patterns. There may also be bruises on the brain and bleeding. In large areas, surgery may be necessary. After a brain injury, patients may develop a wide range of brain diseases. While the symptoms of mild TBI are typically short-lived, they can last months or years.

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When a brain injury results in blood flowing into the subarachnoid space, it is called a cerebral contusion. This is similar to bruising in other parts of the body. The blood, which is mixed with the brain, spreads across the surface of the brain. Most people suffering from severe TSH are unlikely to suffer from a permanent condition like hydrocephalus. An intracerebral hemorrhage is not always immediately obvious on a CT scan and may require surgery.

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Secondary brain injuries occur after a primary injury. The brain swells, and extra blood and nutrients are forced to accumulate. This is particularly dangerous because the rigid skull limits space, and the swelling may injure parts of the brain that are not affected. Swelling can take up to 5 days to occur. Patients should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if they do not appear to be conscious, this can result in severe brain damage.

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Patients with a traumatic brain injury may also develop hypoxic or anoxic brain injuries. A person who suffers a brain injury may experience a coma. Coma refers to an altered state of consciousness. Patients who are in a coma will experience varying levels of consciousness. The severity and location of the brain injury will determine the depth of the coma and the length of time the person spends in it. Depending on the type of brain injury, some patients recover completely, while others will continue to have significant disabilities.

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Symptoms associated with a severe head injury can include fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Additionally, patients may experience problems with memory, concentration, planning, and word-finding. Other symptoms associated with a head injury include emotional difficulty. A severe head injury is defined as a condition where a person has been unconscious for 6 hours or more, or has suffered a post-traumatic amnesia for 24 hours. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after an accident to prevent any permanent damage.

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A doctor may perform a Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) test to assess the level of consciousness in a patient. This 15-point test measures the patient's level of consciousness and response to questions, commands, and pain. The score ranges from three to fifteen and provides an overall assessment of the severity of the injury. In the case of mild TBI, the GCS score is between three and fifteen. Similarly, a patient with a score between three and fifteen indicates that the brain injury has not caused any permanent damage.

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TBI can be classified as traumatic or acquired. Traumatic brain injuries result in swelling or bleeding of the brain, and emotional stress. As a result, 1.5 million to 2 million Americans will suffer from a traumatic brain injury in their lifetime. Approximately 235,000 will undergo treatment for a moderate or severe TBI, and more than 50,000 will die as a result. While mild TBI requires hospitalization, traumatic brain injury can cause life-threatening conditions, including death.

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While the symptoms of mild TBI may go away on their own, severe TBIs can affect a person's mood, short-term memory, and ability to focus and control impulses. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, seek medical attention right away. Even mild TBIs may have lifelong physical, behavioral, and mental health problems. A healthcare provider can help you navigate the resources you need to recover from a TBI and improve your quality of life.

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