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Causes of Stroke - Oren Zarif - Causes of Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

There are many different causes of stroke. Depending on the location, a stroke can result from a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. The damage can cause the blood vessel to leak or burst, and this can damage the nerve cells in the brain. Without adequate blood flow, the damaged area of the brain is unable to control parts of the body. Other common causes of stroke are uncontrolled blood pressure, and some rare conditions can also cause a stroke. Diagnoses of stroke begin with a detailed medical history and physical examination.

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Prevention is key when it comes to reducing your risk of having a stroke. Besides preventing stroke from happening, you may also be able to prevent it from happening again by modifying your lifestyle and taking medicines to control certain risk factors. The following are a few of the most common causes of stroke, as well as ways to prevent them from happening again. Listed below are some ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones. This information is important if you suspect that you or a loved one has suffered a stroke.

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Speech difficulty and trouble understanding speech are common symptoms of stroke. In addition to this, you may notice difficulty repeating simple sentences or even smiling. If you suspect your loved one has suffered a stroke, call 911 immediately, and note the time when they first displayed symptoms. The primary diagnosis of stroke is made through brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). If MRI is not available, computed tomography (CT) scans are also effective. An EKG may be performed to check heart rate and rhythm. Transcranial doppler and ultrasound of the brain are other options.

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The symptoms of a transient ischemic attack (TIA) may be a warning or a ministroke. A transient ischemic attack occurs when a blood clot blocks the blood supply to the brain. While these symptoms generally last for a short time, a full-blown stroke can be fatal. The age-adjusted mortality rate for a stroke diagnosis in 2017 was 37.6 per 100,000. In recent years, medical professionals have made significant progress in managing stroke and preventing them from causing serious harm.

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When you suspect a person has suffered a stroke, you should carefully monitor them while they are waiting for emergency help. While you are waiting for help, check the Mayo Clinic for free health information and advice. If you feel they're at risk of stroke, follow these guidelines to help prevent the symptoms from developing. And if you don't feel up to going to the emergency room, consider consulting a physician who specializes in stroke treatment.

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People of African descent are significantly at risk of suffering from ischemic stroke. Studies show that African Americans are 60 percent more likely to suffer a second stroke within two years. People with blockages in the arteries of the brain are at high risk for this condition. In the last few months of fetal life and for the first few weeks after birth, blood clots can develop and travel to the brain. Eventually, these clots will block a artery and cause a stroke.

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While there are many other causes of stroke, the first two are the most common. High blood pressure (over 140/90) damages the blood vessels in the brain, increasing your risk of stroke. If you've already had a stroke, this risk is much higher. A stroke survivors' risk is nearly doubled if they smoke. Also, smoking increases the risk of ischemic stroke. The causes of stroke are numerous and there is no one specific cure.

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The good news is that many of these risk factors can be controlled and managed successfully. While the risk of a stroke never goes away, it can be kept at a level below the level of accidental death or injury. Because many strokes can be prevented early, many Americans can be proud of the fact that they are preventable or at least treatable. Better understanding of the causes of stroke has enabled people to make lifestyle changes that have lowered the death rate from a stroke by more than half.

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