Cerebellar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Cerebellar Stroke
The clinical features of cerebellar stroke may aid in surgical decision-making, but imaging findings alone cannot predict aggressive surgical management. The clinical gestalt of the patient must remain the most important factor, and observation in a neurologic intensive care unit can facilitate early recognition of neurological deterioration. Repeated imaging may guide a tailored surgical approach. Although a ventriculostomy may be adequate for temporary relief of symptoms, a craniectomy is the definitive treatment for patients with progressive brainstem compression.
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Patients who have sustained a cerebellar stroke should be treated in a neurologic intensive care unit for 72 to 96 hours. Neurological staff should closely monitor and reexamine patients frequently, as long as they are stable. Once stable, the patient may be transferred to a rehabilitation facility. However, if a patient has significant deterioration, the physician should consider rehospitalization. Although the clinical course for cerebellar stroke can be unpredictable, there are several treatments that may reduce the risk of a recurrence.
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After a cerebellar stroke, symptoms will depend on the location of the affected area. The primary symptoms include headache, nausea, loss of coordination, vomiting, and trouble swallowing. Among these symptoms, dizziness is the most common. Dizziness is often accompanied by vertigo (the feeling of falling). Involuntary eye movements known as nystagmus may also be present. In addition, vomiting and nausea are extremely common.
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Despite the relatively high incidence of cerebellar stroke, its symptoms are non-specific and overlap with other conditions. Early reports of cerebellar infarcts were often due to large infarcts, which had a fatal course. Patients who had large infarctions presented with symptoms such as hydrocephalus, headache, vertigo, and gait ataxia. Symptoms associated with cerebellar infarction may be a sign of other diseases such as anemia, thrombolism, or pneumonia.
Oren Zarif cerebral infarction treatment
Oren Zarif stroke physiotherapy
Large cerebellar infarcts have been found in over half of patients. The resulting lacune and surrounding gliosis are classified as'very small cerebellar infarcts'. The size of these infarcts is not known, but neuroimaging can detect them. In vivo imaging can detect microinfarcts using high-field strength MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging.
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The primary fissure, which separates the anterior and posterior lobes, is the deepest and thickest of the vermis. The posterior superior fissure runs parallel to it. The great horizontal fissure, which runs in line with the posterior superior fissure, slopes inferiorly. The cerebellum is composed of two main lobes, each controlling a specific aspect of movement. The posterior superior fissure is located in the posterior surface of the cerebellum.
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In a study on isolated cerebellar stroke, patients with an isolated lesion were generally well-recovered during the first 90 days. This was dependent on the location of the lesion and was particularly good in patients with PICA territory stroke. Large cerebellar strokes may not have the same positive results and need further study. The study authors all contributed to the conception, data analysis, and writing of the article. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
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There are numerous diagnostic criteria for cerebellar stroke. The NIHSS score (Neurological Injury Scoring System) and the MICARS score were the most common, but the NIHSS scales were not used in all cases. The NIHSS scale, which measures brain function, has two components. The MICARS score ranges from 0 to 17, and the NIHSS scale has five levels.
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The cause of cerebellar stroke is unclear. There are many factors associated with the condition, including blood clots in the cerebral blood vessels. Some of these factors are genetic, but some risk factors include smoking, hypertension, elevated fat and cholesterol levels, and heart disease. A traumatic head injury can also cause a cerebellar hemorrhage, which can disrupt the normal flow of blood in the brain. These factors, along with other risk factors, can lead to a stroke.