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Writer's pictureOren Zarif

Cerebellar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Cerebellar Stroke

Although cerebellar stroke can lead to permanent injury, it can be treated if detected early. A standard brain CT scan cannot detect cerebellar ischemia because it is low in the brain and protected by bone. Brain MRIs are more sensitive, but take a longer time to perform. Emergency brain MRIs are not recommended, especially in patients who are neurologically unstable. A large retrospective study shows that the neurologic outcome of patients with cerebellar hemorrhage is not good. About 46% of patients with initially alert stroke experienced neurologic deterioration. This deterioration was associated with declining level of consciousness, the evolution of new brainstem signs, and worsening motor response on the GCS.

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In some cases of cerebellar stroke, the infarcted area of the brain may be enlarged, causing compression of the brain within the skull. Excessive bleeding may interfere with the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid. This can lead to hydrocephalus, a condition that requires long-term intervention. This can include ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement. Patients who experience cerebellar stroke should expect close medical monitoring in the following months.

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Although cerebellar stroke accounts for only 10% of all strokes, if not detected in time, the mortality rate is 40%. More than half of survivors experience long-term disabilities. Some of the common symptoms include headache, vertigo, and ataxia. Certain risk factors may increase the risk of cerebellar stroke, including hypertension and diabetes mellitus. So, if you suspect a cerebellar stroke, make sure to contact a qualified physician.

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A physical therapist is an invaluable asset after a cerebellar stroke. He or she can teach patients how to engage in activities in their daily lives. Occupational therapists teach patients how to bathe and change clothes. Vision training exercises help partially restore sight. These exercises involve specific eye exercises that stimulate the brain's ability to process visual input. For people with cerebellar stroke, vision training may be an important part of the recovery process.

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Cerebellar stroke can cause a range of neurological symptoms, including lack of coordination, clumsiness, and intention tremor. These symptoms may go unnoticed by survivors until they progress and become more severe. But doctors should not overlook such symptoms, and patients should receive brain scans as soon as possible. A stroke in the cerebellum can lead to other complications, such as hydrocephalus, brainstem compression, and a stroke of the other parts of the brain.

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Mood disorders are another common post-stroke complication. These symptoms can significantly impair functional outcomes and quality of life. Cerebellar function is important for regulating mood, and many recent studies have linked cerebellar lesions to psychiatric symptoms. If you are interested in participating in a cerebellar stroke research study, talk to your doctor about whether this is right for you. You can also contact study research staff for more information.

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MRI scans of the cerebell have helped doctors diagnose this type of vascular event. These scans can detect small cerebellar infarctions, which are considered incidental cavities. These are relatively small, less than 1 cm in size, and involve the cerebellar cortex. They are easily detected on MRI and CT scans, which have relatively high intrinsic contrast. However, after healing, cortical cerebellar infarctions become imperceptible on routine MRIs.

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Cerebellar infarction can be diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging with diffusion-weighted imaging (MRI). This test is useful for identifying a region of poor perfusion in the cerebellum and detecting signs of tissue injury. MRIs can also aid in guiding endovascular treatment for large vessel occlusions. Unenhanced computed tomography may be used to demonstrate a cerebellar infarction, but it has limited sensitivity.

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There are many other possible causes of cerebellar stroke. Some of the most common causes include blood clots in blood vessels of the brain. Sometimes they travel from other parts of the body and get stuck in the blood vessels of the cerebellum. Head trauma and hemorrhage are other causes. A ruptured brain aneurysm, for instance, can cause pressure in the cerebellum and interrupt normal blood flow.

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The symptoms of cerebellar infarction are often nonspecific and overlap with symptoms associated with other conditions. The symptoms of cerebellar infarction may be mistaken for other medical conditions, such as pulmonary embolism, aortic dissection, and hypovolemia. Furthermore, the onset of symptoms is often delayed, and the patient may be in a coma or unconscious state. For this reason, it is imperative to seek prompt medical care for patients with cerebellar infarction.

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