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Cerebral Infarction in Young Adults - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Infarction

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Cerebral infarction can take many forms. Some are symptomatic while others are silent. Silent infarcts are usually small, but can be very deep. The size of the infarct is related to whether the patient has steno or ulcerative lesions of the brain. The most common form of silent infarction is embolic. Symptoms of cerebral infarction can be difficult to detect. MRI and magnetic resonance imaging are the best diagnostic tools.

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This study looked at 201 case and 205 control subjects with suspected cerebral infarction in young adults. Cases and controls were white, with similar mean ages. Cases were slightly older than controls, and men were more often diagnosed than women (39.8%). The frequency distribution of various etiologies and risk factors for cerebral infarction is shown in Table 2. There were four distinct groups, with a third of cases involving no cause.

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Patients with ischemic strokes should be hospitalized as soon as symptoms appear. Mechanical thrombectomy is the preferred treatment for patients with a recent STEMI. However, use of thrombolytics is not recommended in patients with type III cardio-cerebral infarction. Therefore, primary PCI is recommended for patients with STEMI, and early invasive PCI is indicated for patients with non-STEMI.

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Cerebral infarction is classified into three categories: acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction, large-vessel infarction, and ischemic stroke. The definitions of these categories are based on WHO criteria, AIS, and AMI, and describe common pathological findings and treatment options. However, in some cases, multiple infarctions are present. To avoid the confusion, it is important to seek the help of a medical professional.

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Transient ischemic attack is the most common form of stroke, accounting for 87 percent of all cases. The symptoms of transient ischemic attack are similar to those of a full stroke. However, the symptoms of transient ischemic attack may last for as short as 24 hours. These symptoms may be mistaken for signs of a stroke. The symptoms of transient ischemic attack are essentially similar to those of a full stroke, but may be more difficult to detect.

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The degree of ischemia that affects a patient will depend on the extent of the stroke. In a small stroke, the area of cerebral infarction may only be slightly affected, while larger infarcts can cause complete brain tissue death. In the case of a large stroke, however, the damage is greater, but it can still be prevented by restoring blood flow. When this happens, the brain can develop a wallerian degeneration.

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There are several treatments for a stroke. CT and MRI scans show the brain's damaged area. An angiogram may reveal a blockage. An autopsy may also give a clue about the duration of the stroke. In the past decade, thrombolytic drugs were introduced to treat cerebral infarction. RtPA is one of these treatments. If it is detected within three hours of stroke onset, it may be used to treat acute cerebral ischaemia.

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Other causes of ischemia include trauma and severe infections. A ruptured blood vessel may also reduce blood flow to the brain. This blood flow decrease can affect only a part of the brain. This type of ischemia is called focal ischemia. It can also be caused by a blood clot or an embolism, a small piece of clot that can block the arteries. In this case, the patient may be unconscious, or experience a coma.

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MR venography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can detect cerebral infarction. These tests can help doctors distinguish a cerebral infarction from a brain tumor. This is especially important if the MRI scan is unreliable or has an atypical clinical course. The diagnosis of cerebral infarction is important because the symptoms of an infarcted blood vessel can be very similar. Therefore, it is important to obtain MRI or MR venography to determine the exact cause of your brain infarction.

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Imaging stroke is important because the appearance of a stroke can change. CT scans may show a symptomatic stroke. MRIs of the brain can reveal a variety of conditions. An electrocardiogram, or EKG, records electrical activity in the heart. It can detect heart conditions that contributed to the stroke. Other imaging tests may be used to confirm whether your brain has a stroke. For hemorrhage, an echocardiogram can help determine the source of the clots.

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CT perfusion is important in the selection of patients for endovascular therapy. It increases the sensitivity of ischemic stroke diagnosis by four times. Moreover, it can identify areas of the infarct that are ischemic but have not infarcted yet, which may be salvageable. CT also helps in detecting early evidence of crossed cerebellar diaschisis. An ischemic core can be recognized by the wedge-shaped lesion on FLAIR and pre-contrast T1-weighted images.

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