Diffuse Axonal Injury - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment - Oren Zarif - Diffuse Axonal Injury
Diffuse axonal injury is a type of traumatic brain injury that results in the formation of brain lesions in the white matter. The damage is diffuse, occurring in multiple regions of the brain, and is potentially life threatening. There is currently no known cure for diffuse axonal injury, but patients with the condition often experience neurological deficits. To help patients manage this ailment, doctors can recommend treatment options.
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The resulting neurological changes from DAIS compromise a patient's ability to return to normal activities, engage in social interaction, and experience a high quality of life. Many of these symptoms persist even after the initial acute phase of treatment, and may be long-term. While there is no single treatment, brain tissue may remain functionally impaired for several years after the traumatic event. The body's plasticity allows neural connections to reorganize to compensate for these changes.
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The main causes of DAIS include trauma and secondary biochemical degradation. However, despite its apparent importance, treatment for this ailment is highly individual. The following table outlines the various symptoms of DAIS and the steps needed to manage the condition. If you're suffering from this condition, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. This is the best way to prevent further damage to the brain. Even if the damage is diffuse, it's important to recognize its signs and symptoms as soon as possible.
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A study of the outcome of diffuse axonal injury shows a significant mortality rate. Few studies have described the clinical and sociodemographic factors associated with this condition. The current study evaluated 78 patients who suffered from diffuse axonal injury and followed them for six months. Of the 78 patients, 51 recovered. Of these, 88.2% achieved GOS-E classifications that are compatible with independent living, and 45.1% were completely dependent.
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Diffuse axonal injury is a common cause of non-missile head injuries. In fact, it accounts for forty to fifty percent of head traumas that require hospitalization. However, diffuse axonal injury is difficult to diagnose post mortem. The pathologist must know what to look for. As the number of fatal non-missile head injuries grows, three grades have been identified, according to the severity of the injury.
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The most common form of diffuse axonal injury occurs when the head is hit or jolted violently. While the head is in motion, the brain lags behind the skull, tearing long nerve fibers. The disruption in communication between the various nerves in the brain can lead to a coma or other permanent physical impairment. Fortunately, the majority of people with diffuse axonal injury will recover their affected functions and improve their quality of life.
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High-speed MVC produces high-energy inertial forces, which can last for up to one second. These forces result in substantial deformation of intracellular cytoplasm. The longer the critical force, the more injury is sustained. Several studies have used the acceleration/time curve to measure the severity of induced brain injury. However, more research is needed to fully understand DAI. When it comes to the causes of this ailment, there are several theories.