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Diffuse Axonal Injury - Oren Zarif - Diffuse Axonal Injury

Patients with diffuse axonal injury can expect to undergo rehabilitative therapy in order to regain movement control and stimulation of brain neuroplasticity. The first goal of therapy is to decrease ICP and increase cerebral blood flow. Patients should expect long-term rehabilitative therapy. Physical therapy involves activities that target the affected body parts and can stimulate brain neuroplasticity. Rehabilitation may also be aimed at relieving symptoms and preventing the condition from worsening.

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Neurological imaging tests may also be necessary to diagnose diffuse axonal injury. Magnetic resonance imaging, which uses radio waves and magnets, can help detect brain lesions. CT scans, which use an x-ray machine and computer monitor, may not pick up diffuse axonal injury. EEG, or electroencephalography, measures electrical activity in the brain. While MRI is the preferred diagnostic method, CT scans are not 100% accurate and can cause false negatives.

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Treatment for diffuse axonal injury is similar to that for other head injuries. A doctor will monitor blood pressure and breathing and take steps to maintain normal levels. A person with diffuse axonal injury may be in a vegetative state for several hours. A physician should monitor breathing and blood pressure to make sure that the pressure inside the skull is not too high. The best way to prevent any complications from occurring is to ensure that your brain is not in shock and that you receive medical treatment as soon as possible.

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The symptoms of diffuse axonal injury depend on the location of the lesions. Lesions in the dorsolateral quadrant of the rostral brainstem are typically hemorrhagic. Eventually, they may shrink into a scarring area. The symptoms of diffuse axonal injury are usually severe, affecting memory and rapid mental processing skills. However, treatment options are available to improve outcomes and improve functional abilities in patients with diffuse axonal injury.

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The most reliable imaging modality for detecting diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is diffusion tensor tractography. DTI provides a valuable biomarker, which is useful in the treatment of the condition. MRI also shows cerebral edema and diffuse axonal injury. It is not necessary to undergo MRI immediately following the injury. If this is not needed, an initial evaluation may be sufficient.

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When traumatic brain injury occurs, the resulting axonal injury disrupts multiple areas of the brain, causing a wide variety of secondary effects. Some people with diffuse axonal injury recover the affected functions, and many have a significantly improved quality of life. Although rare, diffuse axonal injury can result in a coma or comatose state. The majority of patients with DAI will experience neurological impairment and often a GCS less than 8.

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Despite its subtle nature, DAI is difficult to detect on CT. A CT image of a patient with DAI will demonstrate a normal CT scan, but MRI may not. In some cases, bright T2 foci may be seen on MRI on gray-white interfaces and delayed petechial hemorrhages. While many cases of DAI are undetected on CT, MRI is sensitive enough to detect axonal injury in a patient.

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Diffuse axonal injury is a serious, life-limiting traumatic brain injury that compromises social reintegration, productivity, and quality of life. In addition, the symptoms of diffuse axonal injury can last well beyond the acute phase of treatment. Because the brain tissue is highly plastic, it can gradually recover function. As the clinical condition improves, patients will accept a new baseline and regain some of their independence.

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In this study, 78 DAI patients were admitted to the IC/HCFMUSP. The patients were assessed by a physician experienced in treating this type of injury. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was scored at admission. The patients were evaluated by computed tomography scans, and their condition was confirmed by neurosurgeons with experience in treating this type of injury. In these cases, the severity of DAI will determine whether the patient will recover, but not necessarily regain normal motor function.

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The most common pathologic feature of TBI is diffuse axonal injury (DAI). DAI is the most common cause of death and disability after traumatic brain injury. In the most severe cases, the brain suffers widespread damage due to mechanical and biochemical disruption of the axons. The survivors are generally severely disabled. Treatment is largely experimental, so prevention strategies are essential for reducing DAI-related morbidity.

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DAI is caused by a rapid deceleration of the gray and white matter, which causes axonal stretching. When the white matter is moving faster than the overlying cortex, the axons are stretched. Consequently, the axons are unable to regenerate and are shattered. This injury is responsible for the coma and poor recovery of most patients in closed head trauma. DAI patients will lose consciousness at the time of impact and often remain in a persistent vegetative state.

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