How Serious Is Brain Damage? - Oren Zarif - Brain Damage
There are several factors that influence the severity of brain damage. Many sports involve contact, such as football and soccer players, and those with high concussion risk are at higher risk of developing brain damage. Research on concussions has focused on the NFL, and former players are agitating for more studies to be conducted. In addition to football players, many other sports may have increased risk of brain injury, such as wrestling and professional wrestling.
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Surgery may be needed in severe cases to repair skull fractures and remove pieces of the brain. If bleeding has affected the brain, a window may need to be opened in the skull to relieve pressure and provide more space for the swollen tissues. After surgery, most patients with significant brain injuries will need rehabilitation to regain their ability to perform daily activities. However, doctors do not have a clear idea about how long a patient will need to recover.
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There are many different types of traumatic brain injury, including mild to moderate. The TBI Model System focuses on moderate to severe injuries, but can be caused by a variety of circumstances. The leading causes of TBI are car crashes, falls, and penetrating wounds. Some patients with mild TBI may need to be admitted to the hospital's neurointensive care unit, but they may be able to recover on their own with the proper medical care.
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In the event of a mild to moderate TBI, the primary treatment is rest, which is the recommended course of action for the first few days. This means avoiding activities that could aggravate the injury and gradually returning to normal activities. If your symptoms do not improve within a couple of days, it is time to consult your health care provider. If the severity of your brain damage is severe, emergency care will focus on stabilizing the patient and monitoring blood pressure, oxygen, and blood flow to the brain.
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The brain is a very complex organ, and each part of it has distinct functions. Because of this, the symptoms associated with brain damage differ. Damage to the frontal lobe - responsible for speech, personality, emotions, and judgment - can lead to difficulties concentrating or changing the way you interact with others. Damage to the temporal lobe may result in memory loss, difficulty understanding spoken words, and impaired hearing. The mid-lobe, however, is largely responsible for hearing and taste.
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A direct blow to the head can cause brain bruising, known as a coup-contrecoup mechanism. The jarring action of the brain against the skull causes blood vessels and internal tissue to rupture. The resulting internal bleeding can result in swelling and other signs of brain damage. Symptoms may vary, and additional testing may be necessary. The severity of the injury and the type of brain damage will determine the type of treatment required to prevent permanent disabilities.
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Traumatic brain injuries are extremely common and can result in long-term or temporary neurological damage. They can cause many physical and psychological problems, including amnesia, confusion, and memory problems. They may even result in death. The recovery from mild injuries varies from case to case, and there is no single treatment for the consequences of brain damage. While minor brain injuries can be treated with therapy, severe injuries can result in lifelong problems. People who experience severe brain damage may experience permanent changes to their personality, which can be extremely stressful for the injured party.
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Secondary brain injury (SCI) occurs after the initial injury. The brain swells and loses mass. Certain areas of the brain are especially susceptible to atrophy, while others expand. The brain also experiences accumulation of tau protein, which stabilizes cellular structures in neurons. Eventually, tau proteins become defective and interfere with the functioning of the brain. In some cases, brain tissue is destroyed completely. It can lead to a variety of physical and mental problems.
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Acquired brain injury (ABI) refers to brain damage that has occurred after birth. Some causes of ABI include road accidents, assaults, and disease. Other possible causes include prolonged alcohol or substance abuse, and aging. Fortunately, both types of injury are completely preventable, and treatments are available to help people who have suffered brain damage. So, how do you cope with brain damage? Here are some tips for dealing with ABI.
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Open head injury and diffuse axonal injury are different. While open head injury and ischemia are both types of damage, the former occurs more commonly due to a break in the skull. It may also result in bruising, tearing of brain tissue, and a change in behavior. These symptoms may begin years after the initial traumatic brain injury. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention if you experience these problems. In addition to traumatic brain injury, symptoms may also include depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.