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How to Detect Pre-Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pre Stroke Symptoms

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

There are several ways to detect pre stroke symptoms. You can also look out for any of these signs and symptoms to seek medical help immediately. Listed below are some of the most common signs. These may be the first sign of an impending stroke. A person who experiences any of these symptoms should call 911 right away. For more information, visit To learn more, read the following article. It will give you some valuable tips. Once you have recognized these signs, you can start addressing them right away.

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Sudden loss of balance and difficulty walking are two of the common symptoms of stroke. You may experience difficulty speaking, facial drooping, or blacked-out vision. Some people may experience double vision. Your face or mouth may droop, which can be very dangerous. You might also experience weakness in one arm or leg. Ultimately, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as you feel these symptoms. You may also have difficulty moving your arms, legs, or face.

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While pre-stroke symptoms may seem harmless, they are often precursors to another stroke. They should be taken seriously since a stroke after a pre-stroke is often more severe and fatal. Among the most common pre-stroke symptoms are numbness of the arms, legs, and face. These are usually associated with one side of the body. If part of the brain that controls the eyes is affected, the eye may also become numb. In extreme cases, vision loss can occur in one or both eyes.

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A TIA is another common symptom of pre-stroke. These symptoms are a precursor to a large stroke and should be treated as soon as possible. Pre-stroke symptoms usually appear between 24 and 7 days before the actual lethal stroke. People who experience a stroke are more likely to sustain severe damage to the brain and body. You can't ignore these symptoms. There's no better time to act than right now. They can save your life and prevent the possibility of a larger stroke.

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Pre-stroke symptoms may include a drooping face, arm weakness, trouble speaking, or confusion. You can check if these signs are present. If you see any of these, call 911 right away and get to the hospital as soon as possible. It's vital to recognize these symptoms right away because the brain cells can die without oxygen. So remember: the sooner you get to the hospital, the better. It's never too late to take action.

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Pre-stroke symptoms are often mistaken for TIA. Although these signs last only a few minutes or hours, they are still very dangerous and should be taken seriously. If you suspect a stroke, the first thing you should do is get medical attention. Try to raise both arms and try to smile. Also, ask the person to raise both arms. Repeat a simple phrase, such as "Smile" or "Hello." During this time, call 911 to get the proper medical help.

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Despite these symptoms, a person with a stroke may be able to walk and talk. Getting medical help as soon as possible can greatly reduce the severity of the symptoms. The sooner you get help, the better the chances of a full recovery. You should never delay your medical care because it could be fatal. So, act fast and learn more about these common stroke symptoms. You can also call 911 if you notice any of these signs.

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If you have any of these signs, make sure you see a doctor right away. While stroke symptoms may be vague, you should not ignore them. If you think you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call 911 as soon as possible. As soon as you recognize any of them, you can reduce the risk of having another stroke. You should also be aware of your family's history of stroke. Stroke victims have higher stroke rates than non-stroke victims.

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Other symptoms of pre stroke may be mild or insignificant. These include transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), mini-strokes, and premonitions. Although they are unreliable, they are rooted in real physiological changes. Therefore, even if these symptoms are unrecognized, you should seek medical treatment right away. There are many other ways to recognize stroke symptoms and prevent it before it's too late.

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Another important symptom of pre-stroke is shortness of breath. This is the most common stroke symptom. If your blood pressure is high, your brain is not getting the oxygen and blood it needs. A stroke symptom will usually last for a couple of minutes. The first few minutes of your symptoms will only last a few hours, while the second half will last for days or even years. Once you have the symptoms, your next step will be to seek medical treatment immediately.

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