How to Prevent and Recover From a Heart Stroke - Oren Zarif - Heart Stroke
If you've recently experienced a stroke, you should see a doctor right away. A stroke is a serious medical condition that can affect the brain and cause death. If you suspect you're having a stroke, you should get a full medical exam, including a CT scan. Afterward, you may receive blood thinners, clot-busting medication, and other treatment to reduce the chance of a recurrence. The length of time you spend in the hospital depends on the severity of your stroke, your general health, and your treatment.
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Several risk factors can lead to stroke, and if you have a history of heart disease, your doctor will want to monitor your heart's condition closely, particularly if it's already damaged. You may also have an arrhythmia, which could require a pacemaker or a shunt. If you've suffered a heart attack, you should also ask your doctor if aspirin is safe for you. A healthy lifestyle is essential for preventing and recovering from heart stroke.
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Regardless of age or gender, it's important to recognize early signs of a heart attack or stroke. Call 9-1-1 immediately. While some risk factors cannot be changed, like heredity or age, the more risk factors you have, the greater your chances of heart disease and a heart attack. Talk with your doctor about your personal risk factors and take action accordingly. You can also take steps to prevent a heart attack or stroke by eating a heart-healthy diet. Try eating plenty of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, and minimize red meat. Also, choose healthy fat sources and limit your intake of unhealthy foods.
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In some cases, your doctor may recommend angioplasty or stent placement, which involves inserting a small balloon onto the catheter that has been inserted into a blood vessel. This procedure can open up the artery to allow better blood flow. If you have severe heart-attack symptoms, your doctor may also recommend a wire mesh tube known as a stent to keep the artery open. This treatment can take several weeks. You will undergo monitored exercise sessions and learn more about diet and lifestyle.
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The warning signs of a heart attack or stroke include discomfort in the chest and other body areas. Shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, and lightheadedness are all signs of a heart attack. Additionally, you may feel lightheaded and experience drooping face, arm weakness, and speech slurring. If you suspect you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately and get the emergency medical attention you need.
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If you have a heart attack or a stroke, it's important to call 911. If possible, call a reputable ambulance to get help. While you wait, check for a pulse and breathe. If you notice a pause in breathing, perform CPR. Begin by pushing the chest hard and rapidly. Once the help arrives, doctors can begin other treatments, such as nitroglycerin or aspirin.
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TIAs are also important to keep in mind. These episodes can occur if you have a blood clot blocking an artery. They last less than an hour and may even be a few minutes in length. Despite these symptoms, TIAs are a sign of a more serious stroke, so if you've experienced one, seek immediate medical care. You'll be in danger of death if you don't receive treatment.
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Despite all of these risks, you can reduce your risk of heart stroke and its devastating consequences by following these preventative measures. You can take action today to avoid a stroke by learning to recognize and respond to the symptoms. There are plenty of resources to help you manage your health. A free newsletter from the Mayo Clinic is a great place to start. These newsletters contain articles written by experts in the field of health. They also offer tips for keeping your heart healthy.
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Often times, the symptoms of a stroke and a heart attack are the same. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, you should call 911 or visit the emergency room immediately. The difference between heart attack and stroke is in the severity of the symptoms. If you notice one or both of these symptoms, contact a medical professional to receive emergency treatment. You may need a hospital stay or lifelong medication. You may also have a permanent disability, so it's critical to get medical treatment right away.
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The typical symptoms of a heart attack are different in women and men. A woman may experience indigestion or stomach pain and fatigue. A stroke may also be accompanied by sudden difficulty speaking or seeing, confusion, and numbness. Symptoms should be taken seriously and quickly, so that the chances of a stroke decrease. The sooner you recognize the signs, the better your chances are of surviving a stroke. You should seek medical attention right away if you experience any of these signs.