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How to Protect Yourself Against a Countercoup Injury - Oren Zarif - Contrecoup Injury

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A contrecoup injury can cause permanent disability and medical bills in the millions. Depending on the severity of the injury, patients may never be able to return to a normal life. Because of these factors, victims of a contrecoup injury may be entitled to compensation for their suffering. A neurosurgeon oversees treatment, and an interprofessional team of specialists is typically assembled. These experts include a trauma surgeon, critical care physician, and nurses. Nurses monitor vital signs and intracranial pressure, and assist with education. A radiologist is often involved as well.

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Contracoup injuries cause both external and internal damage. The opposite side of the brain is damaged due to the force of the impact. Because the opposite side of the body is damaged, the condition can be difficult to identify. However, it is important to know the warning signs of a contrecoup injury to avoid developing serious medical problems. Moderate contrecoup injuries can result in impaired cognitive, sensory, or language functions, as well as a change in personality.

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The coup part of a contrecoup injury occurs at the site of impact, causing bleeding or bruising of the brain. The coup part of the injury is less severe, whereas the contrecoup part is more serious and may cause more swelling. The contrecoup injury occurs when the head strikes a solid object on either side of the head. During an accident, the brain may be thrown against a wall, or a car may hit it while in motion.

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A contrecoup injury occurs on the opposite side of the head to the one that was struck. Because the brain rebounds when the head is struck, it may hit the opposite side of the skull. A contrecoup injury is common in motorcycle accidents, but is often misdiagnosed and overlooked. The patient should seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid long-term health risks. This is the best way to protect yourself against a contrecoup injury.

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A recent case involved a nine-year-old boy. He was rear-ended by a truck and sustained a coup-contrecoup head injury. He also suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage. The plaintiff also suffered permanent vision damage in one eye. The trucking company that was at fault in the accident was found liable and the boy was awarded $750,000. The case was settled. This settlement resulted in a favorable outcome for the plaintiff.

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A coup-contrecoup injury may result in permanent damage to the brain. In severe cases, the victim may be in a coma or vegetative state. Other potential complications of a coup-contrecoup injury include seizures, hydrocephalus, and infections of the brain and head. Another unfortunate side effect of a coup-contrecoup injury is that it may cause problems in the victim's personal relationships and finances.

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Because traumatic brain injuries are often fatal without prompt medical care, it is vital to seek medical care. Even mild coup-contrecoup injuries can have serious effects, including impaired decision-making, speech, and language. Victims of this traumatic brain injury may experience loss of balance, confusion, and sensory changes. A proper diagnosis and treatment will maximize the chances of recovery. If a contrecoup injury is severe, the victim may require surgery or undergo rehabilitation.

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A coup-contrecoup injury is an occurrence wherein the brain suffers damage from two different injuries - one at the point of impact and the other at a different location. The coup injury often occurs at the point of impact, while a contrecoup injury can occur on the opposite side of the brain. The brain is protected by a layered fluid called cerebrospinal fluid, but a serious blow to the head can result in serious damage.

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While a coup-contrecoup injury can cause severe damage, a countercoup injury is not as common. Both injuries occur when the brain is struck and then moves back to injure the opposite side. The coup-contrecoup injury can be life-threatening, and about half of the brain damage caused by the injury is never detected. Often, doctors simply refer to the contrecoup injury as a coup injury and neglect the coup-contrecoup injury.


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