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How to Recognize and Treat a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A stroke occurs when a portion of the brain experiences an interruption in blood flow. This disrupted blood supply causes brain cells to die. Within minutes, a stroke can result in permanent damage, long-term disability, or even death. In many cases, immediate treatment of a stroke can save the patient's life and increase the chances of successful rehabilitation. Approximately 80% of strokes are ischemic. Although the symptoms of a stroke vary greatly, there are a few basic ways to recognize it and begin treatment.

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Although strokes are highly hereditary, lifestyle factors and family history can all increase your risk. For example, high blood pressure and diabetes are common in some families. However, genetic disorders can also cause strokes, as some people inherit a blood vessel disorder that clogs blood flow to the brain. Additionally, women are slightly less likely to experience a stroke than men of the same age. In addition, they are more likely to experience their first stroke at an older age, which makes them more likely to die.

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Diagnostic tests for stroke can vary, depending on the cause. MRI of the head uses a powerful magnetic field and radio frequency pulses to produce detailed pictures of the inside of the body. The MRI is also used to image the brain's cerebral vessels, such as in MR angiography. Electrocardiograms can also be helpful in determining whether heart problems contributed to the onset of a stroke. The findings from these tests are vital for determining the type of stroke, as these are used to diagnose the cause of a stroke.

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While stroke can be a life-changing event, symptoms vary significantly depending on the location of the brain. The patient may experience a variety of symptoms including difficulty speaking, hearing, reading, and writing. In addition, a stroke victim may experience changes in their mood, behavior, and thinking processes. The therapists will help them regain previous patterns of thought and manage their emotions. If the symptoms are severe, medical intervention may be necessary.

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Treatment for a stroke patient can be complex. Depending on the type of stroke, treatment may include surgery to remove the blood clot, reduce the pressure on the brain, and repair bleeding in the brain. Earlier treatment may prevent permanent damage or death. If a patient is diagnosed with a stroke, he or she will have a higher chance of recovery than someone who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. A stroke may require emergency treatment, and it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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While a transient ischemic attack is not as serious as a stroke, it can be just as dangerous and should prompt medical attention. A stroke can occur anytime, and it is important to understand the symptoms so that you can respond appropriately and prevent long-term complications. A stroke can affect anyone, and there are ways to recognize and treat it quickly. This article explores some of these symptoms. Once you understand what a stroke is, you'll be better prepared to cope with the consequences.

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There are many symptoms of stroke. Whether a stroke has started or is continuing to progress, the patient needs immediate medical attention. The risk of another stroke is greatest in the first few weeks following the first one. However, the chance of another stroke diminishes with time. If you notice any of these symptoms, call 911 or visit the hospital immediately. To reduce your chances of suffering a stroke, follow the FAST acronym (Fast Action, Speedy Treatment, and Therapy).

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A stroke occurs when there is a blockage in a blood vessel supplying the brain. This means that brain cells can no longer receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to survive. The loss of blood and oxygen leads to a wide range of symptoms. Patients affected by a stroke may have difficulty thinking, walking, or speaking, among other symptoms. A stroke can permanently damage brain tissue, so it's important to receive emergency medical care as soon as possible.

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Risk factors for stroke are multiple and increase your overall risk. Doctors calculate your absolute risk of having a stroke based on several factors, including blood pressure, smoking history, cholesterol levels, and diabetes. Of all the risk factors, high blood pressure is the biggest contributor to a person's risk of a stroke. If your blood pressure is higher than 140/90, you're at risk. But it doesn't mean you can't still suffer from a stroke.

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