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How to Recognize Silent Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Silent Stroke Symptoms

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A silent stroke has no symptoms and is usually undetectable, but it is important to know how to recognize these signs so you can seek treatment quickly. The signs of a silent stroke include white spots or lesions in the brain that indicate a reduction in brain cell function. If you notice these spots or lesions, you should contact your doctor immediately. A silent stroke can cause significant problems, but it is important to be aware of its warning signs, as they may indicate a more serious underlying condition.

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A silent stroke is characterized by no obvious symptoms, but it can lead to permanent brain damage. These strokes are almost always the result of a blocked blood vessel. Fatty deposits build up inside the blood vessels, and this leads to the formation of clots. The clots can block blood flow to the heart, brain, neck, or chest. They can also lodge in small blood vessels. High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking, and atrial fibrillation are all known risk factors for stroke.

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The most effective way to prevent a silent stroke is to address risk factors. Taking care of diabetes, high blood pressure, and a healthy diet can help reduce your risk. A physical activity program may also help reduce your risk. If you suspect you may be at risk for a stroke, discuss your health history with your doctor. Saebo provides an extensive line of products and evidence-based rehabilitation techniques to help patients recover from this devastating condition.

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One common sign of a silent stroke is sudden memory loss. People with this type of stroke may not notice anything but occasional memory loss. A small part of their brain can stop receiving blood for hours. Ultimately, the brain will lose a substantial amount of brain cells. As a result, the symptoms of a silent stroke may go unnoticed until they're too late. In some cases, the symptoms of a silent stroke are mistaken for other conditions and are undetectable.

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Usually, a silent stroke is discovered through a brain imaging test. The imaging test is designed to distinguish between recent and past strokes. While silent stroke is not a cause for alarm, it is still a signal for you to see your doctor to reduce your risk of a major stroke. There's no substitute for early evaluation to help prevent a silent stroke. It's crucial to have regular cardiac and vascular screenings.

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Another silent stroke symptom is sudden fatigue. People with sudden fatigue often don't realize that they're having a stroke, and chalk it up to feeling tired. Until symptoms like these become obvious, they can be mistaken for less serious illnesses. Be careful to listen to your body and seek medical attention immediately. Tremors, on the other hand, are the uncontrollable shaking of a particular part of the body. As with any symptom of a stroke, it's important to take these signs seriously.

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MRI scans are often necessary to confirm the diagnosis of a silent stroke. However, they're not routinely performed in older people. Even if you have a history of stroke, you should see a doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. It may be a sign of a silent stroke. It's important to get an MRI scan as soon as you notice any of these symptoms. The MRI will show damage to the brain areas affected by the silent stroke. In some cases, people may suffer from extreme headaches and fatigue.

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Although most silent strokes only affect a small area of the brain, the damage done by the stroke is cumulative. If you have a silent stroke several times, you're more likely to experience complications and the clinical symptoms of cumulative brain damage. A patient's memory and concentration may become progressively worse. Further, it may be difficult to remember or focus, and you may even have difficulty speaking. You should seek medical attention immediately if any of these symptoms occur.

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A silent stroke can be hard to detect. Many symptoms can be mistaken for other medical problems, such as normal aging. While these strokes may only last a short period of time, the damage they cause to the brain is often irreversible. Many silent stroke victims report difficulty concentrating, learning new words, or remembering even a few days after a stroke. If you suspect that you are experiencing a silent stroke, see a doctor as soon as possible.

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