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How to Recognize TIA Symptoms - Oren Zarif - TIA Symptoms

Writer: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Although TIA symptoms are generally minor, they do need immediate medical attention. You may experience changes in your face such as difficulty speaking or smiling, and you may be unable to keep your arms up or feel weakness in one of your arms. For these signs to be serious, call 999 right away to be taken to a medical facility immediately. You may also feel light-headed, nauseous, or dizzy.

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Your doctor will most likely recommend medication to reduce your risk of stroke and TIA. In addition to taking a blood-thinning medication, he or she may prescribe anticoagulants. These medications can help lower the risk of stroke, but you should not drive for at least one month after your first TIA. If your symptoms do not subside, you should contact your GP or call a 24-hour helpline to get further information.

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In most cases, a specialist doctor will listen to your symptoms and perform a comprehensive evaluation. You will be evaluated for focal neurologic deficit, and the timing of symptom onset and resolution. Although TIA is rarely permanent, your physician may suggest an MRI to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms. MRIs may also indicate the location of the TIA. However, these tests are not the primary method of diagnosis for TIA.

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Because TIA symptoms can be so brief, you may be confused by them. In fact, these symptoms are often mistaken for a passing fatigue or dizziness. They may even be mistaken for blood clots. Your doctor will want to rule out other possible causes, because TIA is associated with a higher risk of stroke. Therefore, it is important to seek treatment immediately after any of these symptoms have occurred.

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Although TIA symptoms are often temporary, they are an indication that a stroke is imminent. While most TIAs last under 24 hours, some people may experience more than one. However, most TIAs only last a few minutes and then go away. In addition, TIA symptoms do not occur every day, so it is important to recognize them when they occur. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to prevent a stroke from causing permanent damage to your body.

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Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) is a problem in which blood is temporarily blocked from reaching the brain. This clot causes a temporary disruption of blood supply, which damages brain cells. While TIA symptoms will disappear once the clot passes, it is still a warning sign of a potential stroke. The risks of a stroke are greatest within the first week after a TIA.

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The most common cause of TIAs is blocked arteries in the brain. The arteries that supply blood to the brain are called carotid arteries. These arteries can become clogged with plaque, which partially blocks them and can eventually form blood clots. These clots can travel down the bloodstream to smaller arteries and completely block them. These clots can then block blood flow to the area of the brain that is fed by the artery.

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TIA symptoms may differ from person to person depending on the location of the brain affected. Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a serious condition and should not be ignored. It can be the precursor to a major stroke and can be prevented if detected early. As many as 240,000 people suffer from TIA each year in the U.S., they are at high risk for future stroke. Therefore, it is essential to learn the symptoms and get treatment as soon as possible.

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The symptoms of TIA are very similar to those of a stroke, but the difference is the type of brain damage involved. A TIA can last a few minutes or last for hours, but getting the right medical treatment can make all the difference in your recovery. In many cases, TIA symptoms go away while you're in the ambulance, but you should still see a doctor as soon as possible. This may be a sign of a stroke, so you should never ignore these signs.

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A TIA may occur as a result of atrial fibrillation, a condition whereby the heart beats irregularly and blood clots form in the brain. Certain lifestyle factors, such as smoking, can increase your risk of suffering from a TIA, which is an early warning sign of a major stroke. A doctor will also give you advice on how to reduce your risk of a stroke by changing your lifestyle.


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