How to Reduce Your Risk of a Heart Attack After a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Heart Stroke
A heart attack is a life-changing event that requires medical attention and rehabilitation. Most people recover within weeks after the event, though some people may need months or years to fully recover. The first step in the rehabilitation process is to evaluate the person's condition, as well as their recovery goals. The goal of rehabilitation is to get the patient back to their pre-stroke physical state, while supporting their ability to live independently. Rehabilitation may involve medication, physical therapy, or even surgery.
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While most strokes are directly attributable to initial neurologic damage, cardiac events can occur after the initial event. Two to 6% of stroke patients die of cardiac causes during the first three months after a stroke. After the acute period, this risk decreases, but remains significantly higher than in age-matched controls. A recent meta-analysis estimates the rate of non-stroke vascular death and MI among stroke patients is 2.2% per year. Even though many patients do not develop cardiac events, it is important to detect those who are at risk.
If you notice any of these symptoms in a patient, immediately call 911. If the person is unconscious, administer aspirin. Do not wait for the doctor to arrive and perform CPR. The first goal is to stabilize the patient, as well as provide resuscitation if necessary. In addition to CPR, other treatments can be administered once help arrives. A combination of treatments may be needed depending on the type of stroke. Once your doctor is able to determine the type of stroke, they may decide to start with resuscitation.
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The goal of post-stroke care is to help individuals recover from the stroke and reduce their risk of future heart problems. After stroke, patients will likely need to be monitored closely for several days. In addition to reducing the risk of a recurrence of the stroke, post-stroke care also includes preventive measures to keep the stroke from happening again. So what should you do to reduce your risk of a heart attack after a stroke?
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After ischemic stroke, the immune system plays a key role. Both innate and adaptive immune responses are active during this process. The local inflammatory response begins within minutes of the ischemic event. The platelets bind with P-selectin, a cell adhesion molecule. These platelets homing cytokines result in thrombus formation. In addition, disruption of the blood-brain barrier allows peripheral macrophages to enter the ischemic lesion.
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If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, you should seek emergency medical care. If possible, have someone drive you to the hospital. Driving during a heart attack puts the patient at risk. The emergency care team may give you medicine to limit the damage to your heart and brain. Aspirin, a blood thinner, and nitroglycerin are among the many drugs and procedures available to prevent blood clots in the arteries.
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After a heart attack, you may suffer from a stroke. The brain tissue damage that results from a stroke may cause permanent disability. The symptoms of stroke may differ from those of a heart attack, but knowing what to look for can help prevent further damage. It's imperative to receive emergency medical care if you have experienced a heart attack or stroke. A heart attack can be life-threatening, so be sure to seek immediate care.
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Some symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain or pressure. People suffering from heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux may experience a similar symptom. Musculoskeletal pain and emotional stress may also lead to chest pain. Either way, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you're not sure how to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack, you can refer to the acronym FAST. It stands for Fast Assessment of Symptoms of a Heart Attack
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The first step in preventing a heart attack is to identify risk factors. A heart attack is the leading cause of death in men and women in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 735,000 people experience a heart attack each year. Of these, 210,000 people already had a heart attack. Similarly, 795,000 people suffer a stroke every year. Sixty-nine percent of these strokes are new occurrences. In both cases, it's important to get immediate treatment after the attack to avoid further damage.
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Other risk factors for young people are smoking, heavy drinking, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. It's also possible to have a hereditary condition that increases one's risk of heart attack and stroke. Inherited heart disease (HUS), or hypertension, may lead to a heart attack or stroke. While these factors may increase a person's risk, they can be reduced with proper treatment. It's important to find the right treatment for each type of stroke, as well as a thorough knowledge of each type.