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How to Treat a Brain Injury - Oren Zarif - Brain Injury

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The first step after a brain injury is stabilizing the impacted area, which means keeping blood pressure and flow to the area low. This prevents further damage and allows for further treatment. In severe cases, a patient may require surgery to repair fractured skulls or remove large blood clots. The patient may also need surgery to relieve pressure on the brain. Surgery is often performed as soon as possible after the injury, but it can take weeks to form blood clots.

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Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are often fatal or severely disabling. A patient may be completely awoken from a deep sleep or awake for 30 minutes, a period known as "mild traumatic brain injury" - a temporary loss of consciousness lasting less than 24 hours. In either case, the symptoms will be similar to mild traumatic brain injuries, though more severe and long-lasting. Some symptoms may last for years and require additional surgery.

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The degree of TBI varies greatly depending on the cause of the injury. Sometimes, it is a combination of injuries, such as a car accident or an explosion. Other common causes include falls, sports, and assaults with or without weapons. About 1.5 million adults and children suffer some form of TBI each year in the United States. Mild TBIs can be temporary and cause a person to experience minor changes in their mental state, while severe TBIs may result in extended unconsciousness and major problems with their behavior and thinking after the injury.

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If a person has a mild TBI, their main treatment is over-the-counter pain relievers. They should gradually return to their normal activities, but should contact a physician if symptoms do not improve. Severe TBIs, on the other hand, may require hospitalization. Treatment depends on the severity of the brain injury, but it usually involves monitoring blood pressure and oxygen to the brain. A patient with a moderate or severe TBI may need surgery to stabilize their condition and help prevent seizures.

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Other types of TBI can be non-traumatic, and may be caused by other causes. For example, brain injuries caused by metabolic disorders, bacterial infections, or aneurysms are not traumatic in nature. Other causes of TBI include illness, toxins, and a near-drowning experience. The brain can be injured by non-physical means, such as a fall. Non-traumatic brain injuries are sometimes referred to as acquired.

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A direct blow to the head can cause a direct or indirect impact to the head. The resulting impact causes damage to the base of the skull and the nerves of the brain stem. Oxygen is vital for the brain to function properly, so any interruption can result in anoxic or hypoxic brain injury. While traumatic brain injury can lead to permanent damage, it is unlikely to result in death. Nevertheless, these injuries can lead to a life-threatening situation if they are not treated immediately.

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Different types of brain injury may lead to varying degrees of disability. In the case of a concussion, the brain might have received a direct blow to the head, such as in a car accident. In the case of a diffuse axonal injury, however, the brain can suffer a large amount of damage. In some cases, these tears are microscopic, but a large tear can result in death. The severity of symptoms depends on the extent of the damage and whether the brain was injured elsewhere as well.

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A patient may be in a coma, or altered state of consciousness. Patients with severe brain injury are not necessarily comatose, and their symptoms may improve gradually. Patients may also have agitated or inappropriate behaviors. Although recovery from a head injury varies in severity, it can take weeks, months, or years. Often, the recovery process can be long, and the patient may require several rehabilitation treatments. This is why it is important to monitor your patient carefully during the recovery process.

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Even minor head injuries can cause long-term problems. Even the smallest interruption of oxygen to the brain can result in irreversible damage. The effects of brain oxygen deprivation depend on where the damage occurred in the brain and whether there is any bleed. The extent of disability will differ from person to person, but it is imperative to get immediate medical attention. In severe cases, brain surgery may be required to repair the damage and restore normal functions.

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Traumatic brain injury can be a result of motor vehicle accidents, including car crashes, assaults, and sports injuries. If you are a driver or a passenger in a car accident, wearing seat belts and protective equipment can reduce the likelihood of head injury. Research suggests that moderate and severe brain injuries increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. While there are many potential causes of traumatic brain injuries, medical treatment is usually necessary for those who have sustained this injury.

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