Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy During Pregnancy - Oren Zarif - Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
If you are pregnant and are concerned about the risk of developing hypoxic ischemic encephalopathia (HIE), read on. Although the cause of HIE is not known, there are some risk factors that can contribute to its development. A lack of oxygen during pregnancy is the most common cause of the disorder. If your pregnancy has been affected by any of these risk factors, you should make sure you follow the right treatment protocols.
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The incidence of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathia (HIE) is approximately one in every thousand live births. The neurological effects of HIE can range from brain damage to neurodevelopmental delay, and even seizures. Several types of neurodegenerative conditions can be mistaken for HIE. In many cases, treatment focuses on occupational and physical therapy. However, if you notice symptoms, you should seek medical advice.
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A decrease in cerebral blood flow results in brain injury from hypoxic ischemic insult. There is a mismatch between the cerebral blood flow and oxidative metabolism, leading to cell death. The final pathway to cerebral brain death is similar regardless of the cause of the initial insult. However, the extent and location of cell death will vary depending on the instigating event. It is not clear whether hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy can lead to permanent neurological disability or death.
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MRI is the most important diagnostic modality for diagnosing and monitoring hypoxic ischemic encephalopathies. MRI imaging has helped researchers identify specific patterns of brain injury related to brain maturity. MRI images reveal signs of periventricular leukomalacia and asymmetric cerebral hemorrhage, and the most sensitive modality for detecting patterns of brain injury is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
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The risk of developing hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy increases during pregnancy. While it is rare to have this condition, it can cause severe disability or even death in newborn infants. Symptoms of the disorder vary between children, but some will experience mild symptoms while others will experience permanent disability. Fortunately, there are treatment options and effective treatments that are available for this condition. If you or a loved one experiences this condition, it is important to seek medical attention right away.
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Early treatment of HIE is crucial. MRI imaging helps determine the extent of encephalopathy and the areas of brain damage. Severe HIE is fatal, and even newborns who survive may experience long-lasting neurocognitive damage. Approximately fifteen to twenty percent of newborns who have HIE die in their first week. Another 25 percent will suffer from some sort of permanent brain damage. Neuropsychological screening is crucial, as it enables doctors to recognize problems before they cause permanent disability.
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Treatment for HIE will vary depending on the extent of brain injury and access to treatment. While hypothermia is the foundation of treatment, other neuroprotective agents have shown promising results when used together with hypothermia. These agents are in clinical trials and could be used to treat HIE. This is an excellent start to finding a treatment for the condition. It is important to know that the long-term consequences of HIE can range from minor cognitive changes to permanent physical impairments.
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Therapeutic hypothermia is used for infants with stage II or III Sarnat encephalopathy. It helps reduce cerebral metabolism by lowering the temperature of deep brain structures. This treatment is most effective for infants with severe acidosis and prolonged resuscitation. If the infant does not respond to other treatments, therapeutic hypothermia is considered an option. Aside from reducing the damage caused by hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, therapeutic hypothermia may be a useful treatment for babies.
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Various factors can lead to preterm cerebral hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. The presence of an underlying sentinel event and the emergence of coexisting conditions may obscure individual pathologies. However, full-term infants with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy have objective criteria for diagnosis. Clinical neurodevelopmental outcome tests and standardized neurological examination can help diagnose the condition.
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There are several ways to treat the condition. A form of treatment known as therapeutic hypothermia involves cooling a baby's body and brain to slow down the cascade effect and help the brain recover. This treatment is best used within 6 hours of birth, although there is some evidence that can be applied up to 24 hours after birth. This treatment can have long-term effects if the brain has suffered too much brain damage.