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Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy During Pregnancy - Oren Zarif - Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

If you've ever heard of the term hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), you may be wondering about what this disease is and what the different stages are. Here are some key facts about the disease and the different stages. These are gathered from trusted sources. Although symptoms may vary, the overall outlook for patients with this condition is generally good. If you suspect that you or a loved one is suffering from HIE, contact your doctor immediately.

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During the perinatal period, neonates are often evaluated for symptoms of hypoxic ischemic encephalomyelitis, and the condition can manifest itself as cerebellar or pontosubicular neuronal injury. The most common symptom is periventricular leukomalacia, but other areas of the brain may be affected as well. The severity of the perinatal hypoxia will determine which areas of the brain are affected.

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The first thing to do is to examine the child's history. If he or she is suffering from hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, it's important to note any history of this condition, including when it started and how it progressed. If there's a history of transaminitis or hypotension, this could be a sign of global hypoxia. Also, neonates must be evaluated for signs of abnormal fetal development. A single palmar crease can suggest long-standing decrease in fetal movements.

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The best way to avoid HIE in pregnancy is to prevent it. There's no single prevention method, but awareness of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy's risk factors will help you be better prepared. There are also a few specific symptoms of HIE that parents can look for. The signs of this condition vary from one person to another, but the best way to prevent this condition from happening to your child is to avoid asphyxia.

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The most common cause of HIE is cardiac arrest. If hypothermic therapy is administered quickly after the onset of symptoms, it can reduce the neurologic morbidity and mortality. However, there's no way to predict the exact timeline of the symptoms. Treatment will depend on whether the underlying cause of the brain injury has caused the damage. There's no cure for HIE, but the goal is to reduce the severity of the symptoms.

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Seizures are common among infants with significant HIE. Seizures increase with the severity of hypoxia-ischemia and the longer the episodes last, the more likely they are to occur. Seizures have been associated with negative neurodevelopmental outcomes. Furthermore, repetitive seizures have been associated with impaired learning and seizure threshold later in life. A neonate's brain may be damaged enough to cause them to lose cognitive and motor functions.

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Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is a medical term for brain injury caused by the lack of blood and oxygen. This disorder may occur before or during labor, or may develop during pregnancy. While the effects of this disorder vary widely, some children are unlikely to suffer permanent disability. The severity of the damage will depend on the area of the brain affected and the length of the absence of oxygen. There are several causes of HIE.

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MRI is recommended for all neonates presenting with encephalopathy. It helps the doctor identify the cause and determine prognosis. Head ultrasound can help detect hemorrhage and ventriculomegaly. The condition is rare in infants, so it's important to see a neonate with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy as soon as possible. A CT scan, on the other hand, is rarely used in neonates.

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Another tool for assessing hypoxic ischemic encephalopathic seizures is the Miller et al scale. This scale was first developed in 1976 and validated as a bedside tool for predicting neurodevelopmental outcomes after a hypoxic ischemic event. The scale rates symptoms from mild to severe on the basis of the level of consciousness, neonatal reflexes, and autonomic function.

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In order to determine the most effective treatment for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, health care providers should follow guidelines for neonatal care. One of the key elements of optimal neonatal care is active management of blood temperature and blood pressure. This helps prevent reperfusion injury, which occurs when the brain is suddenly returned to normal oxygenation. Rapid oxygenation causes more inflammation and releases damaging compounds. Moreover, therapeutic hypothermia stabilizes brain cells and limits the harmful effects of hyperglycemia.

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Although HIE is a relatively rare condition, it has high mortality rates and a significant number of survivors with recognizable motor and cognitive impairment. There are known risk factors, including asphyxia during delivery, or prolonged reduction in cerebral blood flow. However, many cases of HIE are not associated with clear evidence of asphyxia and may be attributed to a combination of factors. Ultimately, this condition is unpredictable, and it should be evaluated by a qualified health care professional.

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