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Lacunar Infract - Oren Zarif - Lacunar Infarct

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

The symptoms of a lacunar infract are usually headache, lightheadedness, hiccups, or asterixis, but this is not a specific symptom. There is no correlation between these symptoms and the size and location of the infarction. The diagnosis of lacunar infract is generally an exclusion diagnosis based on a neurologic syndrome. A neurologist can also conduct a CT angiography to check for any blood vessel blockage in the brain.

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In order to understand the risk factors associated with lacunar infract, Chen et al. examined the frequency of this type of stroke. Researchers looked at MRI scans of the brain to determine whether lacunes were frequent in both old and new strokes. They also identified the risk factors associated with lacunes, which may help prevent them. If you suspect you are at risk for a lacunar infract, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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Supportive measures for lacunar infract include high doses of statins and intensive antihypertensive therapy. Blood sugar levels should be monitored and controlled closely. Outpatient rehabilitation is important until neurologic functions return to baseline. Treatment for lacunar infract can include antiplatelet therapy and vascular risk factors such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia. If you suffer from a lacunar infract, your doctor will discuss the appropriate course of treatment.

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The second most common lacunar syndrome is ataxic hemiparesis, which displays motor and cerebellar symptoms but affects the leg more than the arm. Affected patients usually experience a progressive course of symptoms over several hours or days. Another form of lacunar infract is called pure sensory stroke, which affects the midbrain and causes numbness. It may progress to pain and unpleasant sensations.

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While a symptomatic MRI cannot exclude a lacunar infract, a diffusion-weighted MRI is the most accurate imaging modality for this disorder. The MRI diffusion-weighted image is especially helpful in differentiating between acute and chronic infarction. The T1-weighted image shows lacunes as focal areas of decreased signal intensity, while T2-weighted images show them as hyperintense.

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The symptoms of a lacunar infract depend on which part of the brain is affected. Because different regions control different aspects of the body, a lesion on one side can affect the opposite side. The diagnosis and treatment of this type of stroke is crucial for preventing permanent brain damage and subsequent strokes. The severity of the symptoms of a lacunar infract increases with age, with a mean age of 65 years.

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The symptoms of a lacunar infract vary. Although symptomatic lacunar infracts are rare, they can be significant in patients with certain risk factors. It is important to remember that the presence of multiple lacunae within a single region may contribute to an additional CTP abnormality. If multiple lacunae are present, abnormalities in the CTP might be due to a comorbid condition.

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In a recent study, CTP showed superiority to NCCT/CTA in detecting lacunar infracts. This study analyzed 1085 CTP examinations performed in patients with acute stroke symptoms. Patients were examined at a hospital within 12 hours and a day after. They were scored according to their NIHSS scores based on the presence of infarcts. They were excluded if the infarct was more than 2 cm in size.

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MRI scans of patients with first-time lacunar infarcts identified silent multiple lacunar infarcts in 40% of patients. These patients also had mild neuropsychological abnormalities in executive functions, short-term memory, and short-term memory. MRI images showed an association between lacunes and cognitive deficits, but this relationship is not statistically significant. The findings suggest that silent multiple lacunar infarctions may affect neuropsychological testing in patients with clinically documented LI.

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