Lacunar Infract - Oren Zarif - Lacunar Infarct
A lacunar infarct is a small infarct in the brainstem or deep white matter. They result from the occlusion of penetrating cerebral arteries and are crescent-shaped. A lacunar infarct can be detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies after an infarction. The underlying cause of lacunar infarction is a type of atherosclerosis.
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The diagnosis of lacunar infarcts is confirmed through an MRI, which can be performed on patients with multiple or single infarcts. The presence of lacunes on MRI makes this diagnosis much easier. However, it is also possible to identify lacunes on T2-weighted images. Because lacunes appear as focal areas of decreased signal intensity on T1 and T2-weighted images, these findings can distinguish acute infarction from chronic infarction.
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The difference between a DICH and a LAC may be due to their different etiology. Although both conditions result in infarcts in the brain, the clinical manifestations are very different. In one population-based study, the patients with a single LI were compared with those with multiple infarcts. The LAC group had a higher prevalence of CSVD. It was also significantly older in patients with a single LI.
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The causes of lacunar infarcts are not fully understood, although some risk factors have been implicated. Some of these factors include age, hypertension, smoking, WMH volume, and baseline WMH volume. Although there is no direct relationship between these factors and a lacunar infarct, they do appear in patients with cerebrovascular disease. They may be caused by a variety of diseases.
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A lacunar infarct is caused by a blockage in the arteries to the brain's deep regions. People with a lacunar infarct are at risk for permanent brain damage and subsequent strokes. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent irreversible brain damage. Lack of proper blood flow in these brain tissues causes brain cells to die. In addition to the increased risk of developing a lacunar infarct, age also increases the chances of developing a lacunar stroke. The average age at which lacunar infarct occurs is 65 years.
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This study found that patients with a history of prior strokes were more likely to develop a new lacunar infarct than those without. Interestingly, patients with a history of ischemic stroke were more likely to have a new infarct compared to people with a history of heart disease. This may point to an underlying etiological difference between the two types of infarcts.
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A person with a lacunar infarct may experience one of three distinct types of neurologic dysfunction. One-sided motor failure is known as Pure Motor Syndrome, and may be found in as many as three-thirds to fifty percent of cases. Another type of neurologic impairment is known as Sensorimotor Syndrome. The difference between these two is that the former causes sensory symptoms, whereas the latter causes motor problems.
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Despite this distinction, the risk of having a stroke is high for this subgroup, regardless of age. A recent study in the Journal of Stroke found that patients with silent lacunes had a higher risk of cognitive and lower extremity dysfunction. Furthermore, patients with silent lacunes had lower rates of cerebrovascular disease than those with silent infarcts. A few factors that should be kept in mind in the diagnosis of lacunar infarct include smoking, obesity, and low physical activity.
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In the absence of specific symptoms, patients with a lacunar infarct should be evaluated for any other underlying disease or medical condition. A neurologist should determine if a patient has a risk factor for stroke or not. In addition, physical therapy and muscle relaxants may be necessary to help manage the patient's spasticity. Patients should continue rehabilitation therapy after a lacunar ischemic event to maximize neurological function.
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In the current study, RSSI volume was associated with the volume of the WMH after a year. The model was repeated after accounting for age, the number of lacunes, and vascular risk factors. The results of this analysis were similar to previous studies. The RSSI volume matched the predicted changes in WMH volume, and vascular risk factors were also included in the model. The findings suggest that RSSI volume accurately predicts the change in WMH volume after a year.