Lacunar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Lacunar
The cause of lacunar stroke is unclear. Some studies have suggested that small emboli occlude the lenticulostriate artery, leading to lacunar stroke. A systematic review of risk factors showed that atrial fibrillation and carotid stenosis were associated with both non-lacunar and lacunar infarctions. However, some studies have been inconclusive on the role of other risk factors in lacunar stroke.
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While some patients may die as a result of lacunar stroke, a large majority of survivors recover. Because lacunar stroke is a rare condition, autopsy material is difficult to interpret. Studies of risk factors and causation have predominantly used a clinical diagnosis. MRI baseline examinations show that 10-20% of patients have a small cortical infarct. Consequently, studies assessing risk factors for lacunar stroke are still limited.
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Despite the similarities between large-vessel atheromatous plaque and lacunar stroke, the clinical presentation of this type of stroke is distinct. The presence of multiple penetrating vessels results in an ischemic lake in the brain. Patients usually experience symptoms over a period of minutes to hours, and the stuttering course may be a sign of a deteriorating condition. Patients who suffer from lacunar stroke generally experience symptoms in the limbs, with motor weakness on the side that is affected.
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The symptoms of lacunar stroke vary greatly, depending on which part of the brain is affected. In most cases, a lacunar stroke results from a blockage in the posterior internal capsule or the thalamus. Another common type of lacunar stroke is called a mixed sensorimotor stroke. A person who suffers from multiple lacunar strokes may also experience problems with speech, emotional behavior, or dementia. But there are no definitive treatments for these conditions.
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An abnormal lenticulostriate artery can appear on detailed MRI scans of a lacunar infarct. The abnormal lenticulostriate artery may be associated with intra-luminal thrombus or other blood products inside the vessel wall or the perivascular space. It can also result in perivascular oedema, which may further damage nearby tissues. These results suggest that lacunar infarcts should be diagnosed with the appropriate clinical and radiological syndromes.
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Although no definitive causes of lacunes have been established, some studies suggest that they are caused by emboli from the heart and larger arteries. However, the results of cross-sectional observational studies are not sufficient to determine whether lacunes are a reliable marker for subsequent risk of stroke. The authors note that lacunes may not always be a sign of a TIA, and they can appear without any symptoms at all.
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However, MRI can help distinguish between a TIA and a lacunar stroke. While MRI is not conclusive for this distinction, oligoclonal bands on the lumbar puncture are indicative of multiple sclerosis. This study shows that lacunar strokes are the leading cause of vascular dementia and are often associated with other disease-related complications. So, what are the symptoms of lacunar stroke?
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The cause of lacunar stroke remains unclear. It has been suggested that lacunar stroke may be caused by a number of factors, including atherosclerotic stenosis, poor cerebral blood flow, and atherosclerosis. However, this association is weak, and a significant number of lacunar strokes are caused by fatty deposits in the bloodstream. These fatty deposits narrow the lumen of the arteries, making them more susceptible to blockage.
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A physician may order a CT scan if a patient displays any of the symptoms. This test isn't intended to diagnose lacunar stroke, but rather to rule out other conditions. A CT scan can provide an accurate image of the blood vessels, and a physician can see blockages on a CT scan by injecting a dye into the blood vessels. A doctor may also order a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to determine the cause of the stroke.
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A lacunar stroke is caused by a blockage of one or more arteries that supply the deep structures of the brain. These arteries branch directly off of a large, high-pressure artery. The blood pressure in these arteries directly damages the brain and causes lacunar stroke. High blood pressure also causes atherosclerosis, a buildup of fatty substances in the walls of blood vessels. These arteries can't receive enough blood to provide the blood flow needed for the brain's various systems.
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Despite the low frequency of this type of stroke, those who have had one will have a much greater risk of having another in the future. In fact, about one out of every ten lacunar stroke patients will have another. While this is encouraging, the poor outlook of lacunar stroke isn't without its complications. Those who experience this type of stroke will likely need medication to control risk factors and therapy to improve their daily activities.