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Lacunar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Lacunar

Writer: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A lacunar stroke is a common type of stroke, affecting approximately one percent of the population. The first report of lacunes was published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. As imaging technology improved, this initial hypothesis was verified. A lacune typically refers to a small cavity in the brain that represents the healed phase of a lacunar infarction, although it can also result from an intracerebral hemorrhage or larger infarction.

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Lacunar syndromes are often caused by lacunar infarctions, but they may occur in other types of strokes as well. The causes and clinical characteristics of lacunar syndromes not due to lacunar infarction are not well defined. The aim of the present study was to identify predictors and describe clinical characteristics of lacunar syndromes without infarction. The findings suggest that patients with lacunar syndrome do have a higher risk of developing infarction compared to those without it.

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Despite the high incidence of lacunar stroke, most individuals with this type of stroke do not experience any physical disability. This type of stroke causes a host of other disorders, including depression and mood disorders. It may also result in an inability to move. Although lacunar strokes are not physically debilitating, they may lead to a wide range of other symptoms. Unlike strokes in the cerebral cortex, which affect the entire body, lacunar strokes can result in difficulty in coordinating daily tasks, such as walking.

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In addition to the aforementioned strokes, a condition known as lipohyalinosis can also lead to a lacunar stroke. This condition occurs due to a thickening of the deep brain blood vessels (lipohyalinosis). As the thickened arteries reduce the flow of blood, they become narrow and block. This type of stroke often results in a mild impairment in cognitive function and early dementia.

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A study conducted on patients with lacunar infarcts in the deep white matter found that the presence of occlusive carotid artery was associated with a higher prevalence of middle cerebral artery disease. It also found that patients with lacunar infarcts were more likely to have a CSVD, even if they did not show any clinical symptoms. A patient with these lesions will not have a clinically-significant neurological condition until they are diagnosed by a doctor.

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MRI evidence of a lacunar infarct was often found in patients with high blood pressure. In one study, women were more likely to experience lacunes than men. In addition, patients with a large lacune were more likely to be obese. These results suggest that the risk of developing a stroke is increased when a person smokes and has low physical activity. It is important to note that the TOAST classification includes both diabetes and hypertension as risk factors.

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The risk of developing a lacunar infarct in patients with hypertension is higher than that of patients with any other type of ischemic stroke. This syndrome is associated with atrial fibrillation, but is rare in patients without atrial fibrillation. It is possible that patients with lacunar syndrome have been suffering from cardiac arrest, but this is unlikely to be the case in most cases. As such, a clinical diagnosis is the only reliable way to know the risk factors associated with lacunar stroke.

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In a recent study, MRI revealed that nearly half of the patients with a lacunar infarct had a history of stroke, with 1131 (63%) showing an ischemic infarct. In addition to the increased risk of ischemic strokes, subjects with lacunes also had increased rates of cognitive dysfunction and ischemic stroke in the upper and lower extremities. Further study is needed to determine whether lacunes are independent risk factors for subsequent stroke.

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Large subcortical infarcts are clinically distinguished from lacunar stroke by the presence of cortical signs. Neuroimaging modalities can also help differentiate these two types of strokes. Seizures result from excess neuronal activity. Seizures differ from lacunar stroke by the duration of the tonic-clonic activity and the postictal state. Complex migraines are usually accompanied by a headache and aura. Typically, the aura includes sensory symptoms.


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