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Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) is a type of lung cancer that usually begins in the cells lining the air passages of the lungs. It is most common in women, non-smokers, and Asians. While the symptoms are similar to those of other types of cancer, non-small cell lung cancer is more difficult to treat. As with all cancers, symptoms of NSCLC are not always immediately obvious.

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Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer varies, depending on the stage and the extent of the cancer. Surgical removal of the tumor or part of the lung may be the first treatment option. Radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be an alternative treatment. Chemotherapy uses powerful drugs to destroy cancer cells and prevent further growth. Treatments for non-small cell lung cancer may also include targeted therapies or immunotherapy.

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One of the first symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer is chest pain. This is a common early symptom. People may mistake it for lung pain, since it is often attributed to the lungs. Pleuritic chest pain can also result from lung cancers that are near the lining. In addition, recurrent respiratory infections may occur before a diagnosis of lung cancer. Because lung tumors can obstruct the airways, they can increase the risk of infection.

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Although NSCLC is typically cured, the condition is likely to recur. Patients with metastatic NSCLC may experience paraneoplastic syndromes before they show symptoms of cancer. These syndromes may be related to common illnesses or other diseases, and it is always best to consult with a physician. Thankfully, there are FDA-approved medications for the treatment of NSCLC that may improve quality of life and extend life.

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Although non-small cell lung cancer symptoms are often caused by conditions other than lung cancer, it is important to remember that the disease can occur in any lobe. In addition to the lung, non-small cell lung cancer can affect the vena cava, the heart, and the voice box. The main symptom of this type of cancer is a swollen lymph node in the chest. If these tumors are large enough, they can spread throughout the body.

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The doctor can confirm a diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer after a physical exam. X-rays are a valuable tool for detecting abnormalities of the lungs. Other imaging tests include computed tomography (CT) scans, positron emission tomography (PET), and bone scan. Lastly, a physician may recommend a combination of treatments to get the best results.

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Stages of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) can be staged based on the location of the tumor. Stage I is the most common type of NSCLC, with tumors less than 3 cm in diameter and not yet spread to lymph nodes in nearby organs. Stage III and stage IV lung cancer have spread to distant sites in the body, such as the heart and esophagus.

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When chemotherapy is the only option for treating NSCLC, treatment may involve drugs that target the cancer cells. Cisplatin, for example, attacks all types of cancer cells in the body. Its side effects, however, are similar to those of cisplatin. Cisplatin, however, has fewer side effects than carboplatin. In contrast, targeted therapy uses drugs that target only cancer cells. The good news is that these drugs do not harm healthy cells.

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In addition to the usual signs and symptoms of lung cancer, NSCLC can also be detected in the early stages of development and can be treated. If detected in its early stages, treatment can help the disease stop from spreading. In some cases, patients can be cured of NSCLC with treatment. A diagnosis is essential for the survival of the disease. You will be able to tell if you have NSCLC by observing the symptoms listed above.

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