Pre Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pre Stroke Symptoms
There are a number of different pre stroke symptoms that may signal a potentially life-threatening stroke. These signs should never be ignored, because they can be extremely dangerous. A stroke can damage the brain, so it is crucial to recognize them and seek medical help immediately. Here are a few of the most common signs of a stroke:
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Drooping face and weakness in one or both arms are two of the most obvious signs of a stroke. If you notice any of these signs, call 911 and call the emergency room immediately. Depending on the side of the brain that is affected, the stroke symptoms will vary. The fastest way to receive care is by calling 911. In some cases, a combination of therapies is necessary. For those who can't get to the hospital, they may be able to walk and talk normally, but they should be taken to a hospital immediately.
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Arm weakness and numbness are also signs of a stroke. The person will need to ask someone to repeat something. Slurred speech is another common symptom. If you notice any of these signs, contact 911 and local emergency services immediately. If the person does not respond or you cannot understand them, it's a sign of a stroke. You should also seek medical help for yourself and for the person you care for.
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If you suspect someone is having a stroke, call 999 or get an ambulance. The doctor will assess your condition and refer you to the appropriate medical care. Once the initial assessment is complete, the specialist will recommend appropriate treatment. Treatment can start within 24 hours. If symptoms disappear quickly, it could be a symptom of a transient ischaemic attack. If this occurs, call 911 immediately. This can save the patient's life and prevent a major stroke.
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Other pre stroke symptoms include problems speaking, learning, hearing, and understanding concepts. It can even impair speech and make a person depressed. Some stroke patients also experience severe pain and sensory loss. The pain, known as central pain syndrome, may occur weeks after the stroke. However, these symptoms often improve with time. People may also be more susceptible to extreme temperatures and may fall. Once stroke has occurred, the patient will need medical care. In addition, a person may experience seizures, which can be a sign of a stroke.
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Women may also dismiss other symptoms, including sudden, unusually severe headaches, difficulty walking, and general malaise. These signs may be mistaken for viruses or other medical conditions. If these symptoms occur suddenly and unexplainably, however, they should seek medical treatment. The earlier symptoms appear, the better. A woman should seek medical attention. Even if she doesn't experience any of these symptoms, it may be an early sign of a stroke.
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Knowing the signs of stroke is critical in preventing major disabilities or even death from a stroke. Early treatment can save your life and prevent a major disability. The best way to remember the pre stroke symptoms is by using the F.A.S.T. acronym: find out if you're experiencing any of these symptoms. TIAs and stroke-related TIAs are not to be ignored. They are a major warning sign of problems in the brain. Fortunately, they're often relatively simple and easy to spot.
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If you're experiencing any of the pre stroke symptoms listed above, seek immediate medical care. The faster you seek treatment, the better your chance of recovery and preventing long-term disability. You don't want to be a statistic, so act as soon as possible. Don't delay and make a difference in the lives of your family and friends. The sooner you get treatment, the better. It's always better to be safe than sorry.