Pre Stroke Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pre Stroke Symptoms
If you have any of these pre stroke symptoms, you should immediately get medical attention. A stroke can leave a person permanently disabled and can cause damage to their brain. There are several ways to recognize these signs and get the proper treatment. These include sudden changes in vision and balance, arm weakness, and difficulty speaking. Also, drooping facial muscles are a clear sign of a stroke. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should call 911 or go to a hospital immediately.
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Other symptoms of pre stroke include blurred vision, dizziness, and difficulty speaking. In rare cases, a person will experience paralysis of one side of the body, or may have difficulty speaking. These symptoms are all signs that brain tissue is being damaged and should be addressed immediately. In some cases, the symptoms of a stroke may not be readily apparent until several weeks after the stroke. In other cases, these symptoms are not recognizable and will disappear on their own.
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While these symptoms are often not dangerous, if you suspect a person may be suffering from a stroke, it's important to get help as quickly as possible. While a stroke is life-threatening, pre stroke symptoms can be frightening and confusing. The first step is to call 911. The symptoms will vary from person to person and depending on the part of the brain affected. You should immediately get medical attention, regardless of how slight you suspect they are.
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A major stroke may cause severe problems that may persist for the rest of your life. In some cases, it can even be fatal. But, if detected early, you can improve your chances of recovery. Stroke warning signs can make the difference between life and death. A weakened blood vessel may burst without warning. Other risk factors can be changed or detected before a stroke occurs. Once you've diagnosed yourself, you can begin looking for ways to lower your risk.
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There are many ways to identify pre-stroke symptoms. Most people ignore these symptoms. These symptoms are called "mini-strokes" or "warning strokes" by the American Stroke Association (ASA). Even though they look like symptoms of a stroke, these are often a precursor to a more serious disease. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical care. If they persist, seek immediate medical attention. In some cases, it may be a TIA or a stroke.
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Some women may dismiss the symptoms of stroke, including sudden, intense headaches, fatigue, brain fog, and general malaise. Some women may also mistake a migraine or viral infection as a stroke. Women should get medical help if these symptoms persist for an extended period of time and are unexplained. There is a good chance that you'll be able to survive a stroke if you're diagnosed early enough.
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Another way to spot pre-stroke symptoms is by knowing what to look for. A stroke is the number one cause of disability and death in the U.S. The best way to prevent it is to be aware of the signs and symptoms. A physician can use a series of diagnostic tests to detect any existing stroke risk factors. You may even be able to prevent a stroke by making changes in your lifestyle. It's best to seek medical treatment as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.
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If you see these signs and believe you might have a stroke, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the damage that could occur to your brain. Remember that minutes count and getting medical help as soon as possible is essential to preventing further damage. You should not drive yourself or perform any other activities if you suspect you're suffering from a stroke. The sooner you seek treatment, the better your chances are for recovery and preventing long-term disability.
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Another way to reduce the risk of a stroke is to stay active. Exercise can improve the blood circulation in your body and improve your general health. Regular physical activity is recommended for reducing stress levels. Physical therapy and speech-language pathology are recommended for people who have had a stroke. As a general rule, you should limit your alcohol and sodium intake and practice healthy lifestyle habits. And as far as dietary habits go, lowering saturated fat and cholesterol levels will help to prevent stroke.