Pregnancy and Breast Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Pregnancy and Breast Cancer
Knowing the differences between breast cancer and pregnancy is a crucial part of early detection. Breast cancer symptoms can overlap with those of other conditions, including pregnancy. Therefore, it is vital for pregnant women to be aware of changes in their bodies and report them immediately to a doctor. For example, women may develop scaly skin in the breast or a dark area around their nipple. Another sign of breast cancer is the appearance of dimples, which are similar to orange peels. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, breast cancer symptoms can be difficult to detect, and this is why it is important to be examined by a trained specialist.
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If a woman's breasts look unusual or swollen during pregnancy, she should talk to her doctor immediately. A GP should refer her to a breast clinic if she experiences symptoms of breast cancer. The clinic will likely offer an ultrasound scan, which uses sound waves to create an image of the breast. There's no risk to the baby during this procedure, and a shield will protect the baby from any harmful radiation.
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If the cancer has spread beyond the breast, it will spread to nearby lymph nodes, muscles, and even the brain and liver. In some cases, breast cancer can spread to nearby organs, including the lungs, liver, and brain. This can make the cancer very difficult to treat during pregnancy. If the cancer has spread to other organs, treatment is required immediately. But this is not always an option. In some cases, it's necessary to stop the pregnancy before cancer cells spread too far.
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Treatment options for women with breast cancer while pregnant depend on the stage of the disease and the age of the unborn child. While surgery and radiation therapy can affect the baby, delayed treatment doesn't significantly affect the mother's chances of surviving. If the cancer has spread to lymph nodes, the doctor may perform surgery to remove them. Some women have surgery to remove their breast before chemotherapy, while others may opt for a lumpectomy.
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Although it is rare, it is still important to visit a doctor if you notice any of these changes. The doctor will be able to diagnose the cancer and determine what the best treatment options are for the mother and unborn child. During pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes, and this can lead to breast cancer. Nevertheless, the most common type of breast cancer during pregnancy is breast cancer. Although most cases of breast cancer occur before the mother-to-be detects them, there are certain factors that pregnant women should consider.
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The doctor can also perform chemotherapy or radiation to remove any remaining cancer cells in the body. Radiation therapy can also be used to destroy cancer cells in the body after surgery. It helps to prevent future growth of cancer cells. While most breast cancer treatments are safe during pregnancy, women who are planning to have surgery should avoid breast feeding for at least a few months. There is a small chance that breast-feeding can harm the baby.
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Some procedures can be risky during pregnancy, such as chest x-rays. However, MRI does not use radiation. Ultrasounds are generally safe for pregnancy, and a doctor can do them without exposing the unborn child to radiation. Ultrasounds also provide good images of the breast and can help determine whether a woman is pregnant. However, other diagnostic tests may involve the removal of breast tissue for testing.
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Most women diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy can expect to become pregnant again relatively soon. After childbirth, however, women should discuss contraception with their oncologists. Most doctors will recommend barrier methods of contraception. In addition to a barrier method, women can choose to have an intrauterine device, or IUD. Intrauterine devices do not release hormones and can be implanted as early as 48 hours after birth. Women should wait four weeks after delivery to insert IUDs that release hormones.
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While breast cancer detection during pregnancy may be more difficult than in non-pregnant women, there are many early symptoms of the disease that may be difficult to recognize. Breast tissue typically grows larger during pregnancy and some signs of cancer may be difficult to detect, and symptoms may appear as normal. In addition, some women may only notice these symptoms after the fact, which makes it more important to seek early diagnosis. During pregnancy, mammograms are safe and can detect breast cancer earlier than other types of cancer.