Preventing Brain Stroke in Children - Oren Zarif - Brain Stroke
Although some childhood conditions put them at risk for stroke, many others are entirely preventable. If your child is showing any of these symptoms, call 911 and seek emergency medical attention immediately. You may also notice signs of a stroke, including weakness in one arm or face drooping. If both arms are being lifted at the same time, one will likely drift down. If the person is unconscious, call for a medical emergency. The Mayo Clinic can help you manage your health and provide free health information.
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The most common symptoms of Brain Stroke are listed below. A stroke will affect different parts of the brain, which will cause multiple symptoms. For example, one area of the brain controls the right arm while another area controls the left. In such a case, the affected area cannot do its job. A stroke to one side of the brain may cause weakness on the opposite side. Another example of this is a stroke to the right side of the brain can cause weakness in the left side.
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A child will likely experience a first symptom of stroke shortly after the onset of symptoms. Other symptoms can follow several days later. After the stroke, healthcare providers will treat the underlying condition that contributed to the stroke. They may prescribe medicines or surgery. Although the condition may lead to permanent disabilities, most children will recover from it. Rehabilitation may include learning new skills and working to cope with the new situation. A child may also benefit from the support of friends and family members.
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Treatments for stroke are based on the type of ischemic or hemorrhagic type. If the stroke is caused by an artery, thrombolytic medications may be prescribed to open the clot. However, these medications can be dangerous and cause a risk of hemorrhage. Treatment of ischemic stroke is crucial in reducing the chance of permanent disability. The sooner treatment begins, the better.
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The first step in preventing a stroke is to recognize the symptoms. A physician can assess the severity of a stroke by evaluating how well the patient can move, speak, and follow commands. A doctor can also recommend surgery to repair damaged blood vessels. In some cases, specific genetic factors can put someone at risk for a stroke. So, it is vital to understand what symptoms are characteristic of each type of stroke. It is important to note that the most common types of stroke are hemorrhagic and ischemic.
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If you are having a brain stroke, you should seek emergency medical attention. The clotting process in the brain can block blood flow to the part of the body that is affected. The faster treatment begins, the greater the chance of a successful recovery. But in ischemic stroke, the symptoms can be severe, and treatment is essential. You should be able to speak to your doctor and receive emergency care as soon as possible. There is no time to waste, call 9-1-1 immediately!
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The symptoms of a brain stroke vary, depending on where the stroke has affected the brain. It may impair a person's ability to move or speak, control bowel and bladder function, or think and reason. Even their emotional and psychological well-being can be affected. While stroke is an incredibly scary situation, you should not lose hope - treatment can help you regain your life and recover from the trauma. Once you get the proper treatment, you'll be on your way to recovery and a happy life.
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Because of the rapid rate of progression of acute ischemic stroke, there is still much to learn about the brain's evolution. The typical final volume of a supratentorial ischemic stroke is 54 mL, ranging from 19 to 100 mL, while a nonlacunar stroke lasts for 10 hours. The human forebrain contains approximately 22 billion neurons. During that time, it loses 120 million neurons and 830 billion synapses. This rate is equivalent to the loss of one million neurons per minute. A stroke can age the brain by 3.6 years per hour.
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Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a warning sign of a full-blown stroke. It's a warning sign of a stroke and is often a warning sign to seek medical attention. A stroke can result in a person's face, speech, or other bodily functions becoming impaired. A person's stroke symptoms usually last less than 24 hours, and they may go on to develop a major stroke.