Recovery From a Massive Stroke - Oren Zarif - Massive Stroke
If you are dealing with the consequences of a massive stroke, you may wonder what to expect from your recovery. Though recovery is possible, it can be very difficult. A stroke is a life-changing event, and a person may need to undergo rehabilitation for months, even years, to recover completely. Your doctor will discuss various medications and lifestyle changes with you. A massive stroke can severely affect your brain and life, so you'll want to understand your options before deciding on a treatment plan.
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Generally, most cases of strokes are caused by blood clots in the arteries. To treat this, doctors begin by attacking the clot. This procedure is known as thrombectomy. After the clot is removed, patients are usually put in specialized rehab, depending on the extent of brain damage. The Mayo Clinic offers free health information and expertise to help you deal with any health issues that may arise. In addition to stroke-specific rehabilitation, you can also consult a doctor to learn about other treatment options.
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The recovery process for massive stroke survivors is different for everyone. The patient's condition may not require surgery or a lengthy hospital stay. A physical therapist can guide the patient through therapeutic exercises that can help regain control of muscles. Afterward, a patient must continue this therapy at home. Those with paralysis can benefit from passive exercise. Passive exercises involve moving body parts without exerting much effort. By sparking neuroplasticity, these exercises can help the patient overcome this disability.
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After a massive stroke, the person's ability to communicate is affected. They may experience incontinence, though this may be independent of the severity of their stroke. Loss of speech, vision, and appetite are other common symptoms. The loss of these functions may affect a person's daily life, making it necessary to use a feeding tube until they can regain the ability to eat and swallow. The symptoms of a massive stroke vary widely.
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People who have a massive stroke are also at risk for developing dangerous blood clots in deep veins in their legs. These clots can break free and travel to the lungs. In some cases, stroke care professionals may attempt to prevent complications with medications or a device that places pressure on the calves. As a result, patients may experience difficulty speaking or swallowing, which can result in a speech impediment.
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The symptoms of a transient ischemic attack (TIA) are often mistaken for a stroke, but they aren't. These symptoms are often temporary and only last a few minutes to a few hours. However, if you're suffering from one, you should not ignore it. This is a warning sign of a stroke and should not be ignored. The best way to determine whether you're having a massive stroke is to call your doctor right away.
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In addition to being difficult to understand, massive strokes can affect your ability to speak and swallow. If this is the case, you might be in danger of aspirating food into your lungs. If you don't take action immediately, you could develop pneumonia. Your language, thinking, and memory will be affected as well, and you may experience difficulty making decisions quickly. You also may suffer from dementia or other neurological problems. Seizures are also more likely in the weeks following a stroke. But they're treatable with medicine.
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A TIA is a type of stroke that may occur without warning symptoms. A TIA occurs when blood clots form inside the brain. The blood flow disrupts brain cells inside the brain, and they die. While you may be able to recover after having a TIA, there are other risks associated with a massive stroke. The American Heart Association provides data on how many people are affected by stroke. However, the risk of a second stroke remains relatively high.
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When a patient has a stroke, a clot forms in an artery that supplies the brain. This causes the brain to swell. The brain tissue is pushed against the hard inner skull, and this increased swelling further diminishes blood flow. The clot itself causes the stroke, so it is essential to have emergency medical care. Even after a massive stroke, the symptoms of a stroke may not show any warning signs.
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Treatment for a massive stroke depends on the cause, part of the brain affected, and the location of the hemorrhage. Medication may help to prevent blood clots, control high blood pressure, and reduce cholesterol levels. In more severe cases, surgical procedures may be necessary to treat brain swelling, prevent further bleeding, or help a person recover faster. A stroke can lead to long-term problems, and many people never fully recover.