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Recurrent Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Recurrent Cancer

Writer: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

Many people with recurrent cancer fear the onset of their illness for the rest of their lives. In fact, most doctors consider cancer to be a recurrence if the patient has not experienced any signs of the disease for one year or more. In some cases, the cancer may come back in lymph nodes, adrenal glands, liver, bone marrow, or elsewhere. This is referred to as metastatic cancer.

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There are three main types of cancer recurrence. Local recurrence is when the cancer returns to the original location; regional recurrence is when it spreads to lymph nodes nearby the original cancer; and distant recurrence is when the cancer has metastasized to other parts of the body. Different treatments are used for cancer recurrence. For example, radiation and surgery may be recommended for people with recurrent breast cancer.

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Treatment for recurrent breast cancer depends on the type of breast cancer, location, and stage. Patients may receive a combination of surgical procedures, chemotherapy, radiation, or palliative care. They may also participate in clinical trials. These trials may help patients live longer, and may result in a better prognosis. This is an important aspect of recurrent cancer, as it can lead to an earlier diagnosis and better treatment options.

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People with cancer should discuss their symptoms with their healthcare team to ensure that they are not suffering from late effects of treatment. They should contact their health care team if they have any new symptoms, even if they have not been present before the cancer diagnosis. They should also contact their primary care team to have their symptoms checked. If symptoms persist after the diagnosis, talk to your doctor and primary care team to get further treatment. They can also help you cope with the side effects of cancer treatment.

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Patients with cancer will also receive a follow-up care plan. This includes scheduled physical examinations, lab tests, and possible tests. Doctors will recommend that patients monitor for recurrence in order to prevent the development of a new cancer. Depending on the location of the cancer, the doctor may recommend monitoring for a few months after the initial diagnosis. If symptoms continue to be present after a certain period of time, a diagnostic test may be recommended. This may include blood tests, imaging scans, biopsies, and more.

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The results of the study highlight the importance of recurrent cancer symptoms. People with recurrent symptoms are much more likely to seek help when they feel that their symptoms are recurrent. Many people believe that the disease is caused by a secondary illness. While this is true, a new study shows that doctors can improve symptom awareness by using safety-netting techniques. By providing the patient with information about the symptoms that are not a symptom, they may help prevent unnecessary delays in cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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Pain is a common symptom of cancer, especially of the disseminated type. Pain is often the first symptom of cancer and becomes much less manageable as the disease advances. Eighty percent of patients with recurrent cancer report moderate or severe pain. Forty percent of patients with earlier-stage disease report moderate to severe pain. Of this, sixty percent is a result of direct tumor involvement, and only twenty to thirty percent is due to the medical treatment.

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Diagnosis is a dynamic process that includes backward and forward movement. Patients must repeatedly evaluate their symptoms to make a correct diagnosis. Patients' symptoms are impacted by many factors, including the patient, health care provider, and disease. Many of these factors affect symptom attribution, including cognitive and emotional factors as well as the circumstances of the initial investigation. If one of these factors exists in a patient's case, it is important to see a doctor.

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During the process of cancer treatment, it is important to find a good listener. This person can be a family member, friend, or a medical social worker. A clergy member may also be helpful. Finally, joining a cancer support group can help. Ask your doctor for the location of local groups and organizations to learn more. In addition to these groups, you can check the phone book for cancer organizations in your area.


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