Recurrent Cancer Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Recurrent Cancer
While many cancers only come back once, others recur two or three times. In rare cases, it may even recur in a different part of the body. Recurring cancer symptoms can range from coughing to seizures. In most cases, people can live months after cancer treatment is completed. However, it is important to remain optimistic during a recurrent cancer diagnosis. Recurring cancer is a serious condition and can lead to a lifelong disability, so it is important to talk with a medical professional about any symptoms that may be worrisome.
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Recurrent cancer symptoms can be divided into local and distant types. Local recurrence occurs in the same area of the body as the original cancer, while regional recurrence happens in lymph nodes close to the original location. Distant recurrence can happen in the lungs, brain, bones, or liver. In breast cancer, recurrence symptoms may be specific to the original cancer site. The new lump may be associated with changes in the skin or surrounding tissues.
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During a recurrent cancer diagnosis, the doctor may recommend additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. Depending on the severity of the cancer, doctors may recommend a lumpectomy or mastectomy to remove the tumor and surrounding tissue. Radiation is often used to treat recurrent cancer. A lumpectomy is an option that removes the entire breast. While a mastectomy may require more than one surgery, a lumpectomy is generally the best option in many cases.
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In addition to cancer, recurrent cancer symptoms may be a result of the treatment. It is important to consult with the cancer team if you experience any symptoms after your diagnosis. It is also important to remember that many symptoms are caused by other conditions. A GP can help you to understand your symptoms and refer you to the appropriate care. Your primary care physician can also help you with any symptoms that may arise after your diagnosis.
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While treatment can control cancer for several months, it is important to be vigilant for the recurrence of the disease. If you are suffering from a distant location, aggressive treatments may be necessary. Additionally, you may want to check out clinical trials that test new treatments for recurrent cancer. It is also important to seek a second opinion from a different doctor. When the recurrence of cancer is suspected, you will need to undergo further tests.
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If you or a family member has been diagnosed with breast cancer, you should consult your healthcare provider immediately. A recurrence may occur months or years after your initial treatment. Treatment aims to kill all cancer cells and shrink the tumor, but the surviving cells may persist and multiply to cause a recurrence. Depending on the cancer's stage, it may occur in the same area or a distant location.
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There are two types of recurrent cancer: local and distant. Local cancer recurrence occurs in the same spot where it was first discovered, and regional cancer recurrence occurs in the lymph nodes of the original cancer site. A distant recurrence, on the other hand, occurs in an entirely different part of the body. The cancer treatment team can tell you which type you have. When cancer recurs, it is still called breast cancer, but now it's in lymph nodes near the place of origin.
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Recurrent cancers can return months, years, or even decades after treatment. The symptoms of recurrence vary by type of recurrent cancer, but they all have one thing in common: the disease may come back in the same location. It may also come back in another part of the body, but doctors can't predict whether a patient will have a recurrence. Luckily, new treatments are improving the outlook for those with recurrent cancer.