Risk Factors and Clinical Manifestations of Cerebral Infarction - Oren Zarif - Cerebral Infarction
A patient with a silent cerebral infarction has a similar risk profile to a patient with a symptomatic infarction. However, the presence of a silent infarct may provide valuable information about the natural history of cerebrovascular disease. To diagnose the disease, it is important to distinguish between a silent and a symptomatic infarct based on the patient's symptoms and the nature of their cardiovascular-blood disease.
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The clinical manifestations of cerebral infarction depend on the area of the brain that is affected. If the infarction affects the primary motor cortex, it will result in motor and sensory symptoms on the opposite side of the body. Patients with a cerebral infarction on the left side of the brain may also have difficulty speaking, and reflexes may be compromised. This condition should not be ignored in patients with a history of seizures.
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The most common symptom of a cerebral infarction is the development of swelling of the white and gray matter. When this happens, the ischemia can lead to petechial hemorrhages, or to cerebral embolism. If the ischemic region is damaged, a breakup of the embolus will restore blood flow to the ischemic area. Hemorrhagic infarction, on the other hand, occurs when the blood vessels are damaged and leak the resulting hemorrhage.
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There are several risk factors that increase the risk of cerebral infarction. Age is a risk factor, as is ethnicity. African Americans are more likely to suffer a stroke. Other tests may also be required to detect the presence of a blood clot. These tests include an electrocardiogram and an echocardiography. If a blood clot is detected, treatment may involve tPA (an injection that dissolves the clot) within 4 hours.
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A thrombotic stroke is preceded by a mini-stroke, called a transient ischemic attack (TIA). These symptoms may last only minutes or may last for several hours. TIAs are warning signs of a stroke and are usually temporary. Symptoms of a TIA may mimic the symptom of a stroke. Another type of cerebral infarction, known as a lacunar infarct, occurs in the brain's small blood vessels. People with diabetes or high blood pressure are at higher risk of developing a stroke.
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MRI can distinguish an acute ischemic infarction from a hemorrhagic one. MRI can identify a hemorrhagic infarction because it displays an absence of Brownian motion of molecules and the absence of intercellular water movement in the cell. However, MRI is more time-consuming and less reliable than CT, but is more sensitive and specific. If the infarcted tissue is large enough, a thrombectomy might be necessary.
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The vascular risk factors of cerebral infarction can help predict the outcome of the stroke. For example, a study of young adults revealed that there was a close relationship between cardiovascular risk factors and cerebral infarction. The study also revealed that cardiac embolism was the most common cause of cerebral infarction in young people. In addition, nearly one-third of first-time strokes had an unknown cause. A thrombolytic drug such as rtPA is also used to treat cerebral infarction.
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Neuroimaging is another way to detect a stroke. A CT scan will reveal if the infarct is a large or medium sized one. A CT scan can also detect small infarcts that may be invisible on MRI. However, the diagnosis of cerebral infarction can often be made using bedside glucose testing. If symptoms are severe enough, neuroimaging is mandatory. The results of the imaging will give the doctor a better idea of the severity of the problem.
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Symptoms of cerebral infarction depend on the area of the brain affected by the clot. Some patients show no symptoms while others experience severe cognitive dysfunction, including paralysis. During an emergency room visit, a doctor may administer the Merci Retriever or another device to remove the clot. It is inserted via an incision made in the groin. A small catheter is then guided through the arteries to the affected area. A straight wire inside the catheter sticks out beyond the clot and automatically coils into a corkscrew shape. The wire is then pulled back into the clot to remove it from the brain.
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In severe cases, a ruptured cerebral aneurysm can occur. The blood in the brain can leak out into the cerebrospinal fluid and surrounding areas. This blood can damage nearby brain cells and reduce mental capabilities. It is fatal in about 50% of cases. A ruptured cerebral aneurysm can lead to coma, paralysis, or even death. If it has not been detected early, the patient can undergo a surgery to repair the problem.