Stroke Rehabilitation - Oren Zarif - Stroke
After a stroke, recovery from this condition often requires rehabilitation. During rehabilitation, stroke survivors often lose touch with their former self and may become resentful or angry. However, as rehabilitation advances, they often return to their old selves. Stroke survivors can benefit from encouragement and support to reach their long-term goals. However, caregivers should not neglect their own health while caring for loved ones. They should also avoid overindulging in stimulating conversation.
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During the initial hospital stay, many patients begin stroke rehabilitation. The medical team and social workers at the hospital will determine what type of rehabilitation setting will be most effective for the individual. The options include outpatient stroke rehab and inpatient rehab. Rehabilitation may be provided in a freestanding facility or part of a larger hospital. Patients may need several sessions in one facility. The length and type of rehabilitation are based on the patient's needs and available funding.
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During the rehabilitation process, a patient may be affected by speech difficulties. A speech and language therapist may be needed to help the patient speak clearly. The therapist may also help the patient develop alternate ways to communicate. Because strokes impair thinking and memory, many people may also lose their ability to speak. In addition to speech and language problems, people may also experience behavioral changes. Often, they become shy or withdraw, and they lack the inhibitions to follow instructions.
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Physical therapists in rehab facilities can help stroke survivors regain basic mobility. These therapists can help the patient walk again, use assistive devices, and strengthen muscles. In addition to physical therapy, speech therapists help patients regain the ability to speak, swallow, and process information. Physical therapists also help stroke survivors adjust to their new sensory inputs. It is vital to start rehab within 48 hours after a stroke because the effects of a stroke can be permanent.
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The goal of stroke rehabilitation is to help patients regain lost skills and retrain their brain to do the tasks they used to do. Through repetition, skilled stroke rehab practitioners help patients perform everyday tasks like walking, communication, and personal care. Stroke rehabilitation programs aim to restore an individual's independence and ability to live independently. And, since the effects of stroke vary from person to person, a specific rehabilitation program may be necessary. It will vary depending on the part of the body affected by the stroke.
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Electrotherapy is another technique used to help stroke patients regain some movement. This therapy uses controlled amounts of electricity to stimulate weakened muscles to stimulate and contract, improving muscle memory and improving range of motion. Robotic devices are also used for the rehabilitation of impaired limbs. Cognitive therapies are also used in patients suffering from communication disorders after a stroke. These therapies help patients regain lost abilities by testing cognitive and emotional adjustment skills. Counseling is often provided to patients, so they can learn how to communicate and use their new abilities.