Stroke Symptoms and Treatments - Oren Zarif - Stroke
Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain stops for a period of time. The cause of a stroke may be a blood clot, a narrowed blood vessel, or some combination of these factors. Symptoms of stroke can happen suddenly, and the sooner you seek medical attention, the better your chance of recovery. Different types of stroke cause different symptoms. To understand the symptoms and determine the best treatment method for your case, read on.
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Brain scan: A brain scan can help determine the type of stroke a patient has suffered. Only in a hospital environment can a brain scan determine the exact type of stroke that has occurred. Only then will a medical team be able to determine the best course of treatment. Stroke treatments vary from person to person, depending on the severity of the ailment. Some treatments can be life-saving, while others may prove fatal.
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If you suspect that you have suffered a stroke, you should call 999 immediately. The brain needs oxygen and nutrients to recover. If the symptoms continue for more than 3 hours, the condition can lead to permanent brain damage. You should take immediate steps to prevent the onset of paralyzing effects and to receive the best treatment possible. Stroke can also cause death if not treated promptly. If you suspect that you or a loved one is suffering from stroke, contact your local emergency department as soon as possible.
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The most common types of stroke are hemorrhagic and small hemorrhagic strokes. Large hemorrhagic strokes, which are the most dangerous, are often untreatable. They often result in extensive brain damage, and there is a small chance of recovery. Those who survive a small stroke may recover from it, while others will suffer severe disabilities that affect their ability to speak, understand, and remember.
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In some cases, if stroke symptoms are detected early, treatments can reverse them. If you reach the emergency room in time, you can begin life-saving treatment right away. A doctor can give you tPA, a drug that dissolves blood clots in the brain. However, tPA must be administered within 4.5 hours of the first symptoms. You should also contact your physician if you think you're suffering from a stroke.
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While a transient ischemic attack (TIA) is less serious than a stroke, it is still dangerous. While symptoms are not as severe as a full stroke, a TIA can warn you of a major stroke in the future. You should visit your doctor immediately. The sooner you start treatment, the less damage you'll incur. In the worst case scenario, a stroke can result in a coma or death.
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A physical therapist will help you cope with the effects of the stroke. Physical therapy helps you regain your strength and balance. It can also help you recover from emotional responses and change your thinking patterns. Stroke victims may also require an occupational therapist to improve their physical abilities. This type of therapy is often done at a clinic, while others may seek rehabilitation in a skilled nursing facility. The goal is to help stroke victims live their lives the best way possible.
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Treatment of a stroke depends on the type of stroke and the cause of the accident. If a clot is the culprit, a clot-busting drug called tPA can dissolve the clot and restore blood flow to the brain area. The drug can only be given intravenously and must be administered within 4.5 hours of the stroke's onset. The earlier treatment begins, the better chance a patient has of restoring oxygen to the dying brain cells and preventing further damage. However, if the stroke is hemorrhagic, a different treatment option may be necessary.
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In addition to smoking and high blood pressure, stroke is linked to a number of risk factors. People with high blood pressure have a greater chance of having a stroke than people with other risk factors. However, it is important to note that a stroke can also be caused by a genetic disorder, which blocks blood flow to the brain. Among the risk factors for stroke, high blood pressure is the biggest one. If your blood pressure is more than 140/90, you may be at risk for a stroke.
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Lifestyle factors are another key to preventing stroke. Some of these factors can be changed or medically modified. Healthy diet and exercise habits are vital to reducing your risk. Also, avoiding smoking and heavy alcohol consumption will help reduce your risk. But if these steps aren't effective, you should seek medical advice. A carotid endarterectomy is another surgical method that can help prevent a stroke. Nevertheless, there is no way to predict whether you will be at risk of having a stroke.