Stroke Symptoms in Women - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms in Women
Women are often more hesitant to report sudden or unusual stroke symptoms because they may be uncomfortable sharing the details of their condition. However, symptoms of stroke in women are similar to men's. Most women experience vague or atypical symptoms and may begin with fatigue or general weakness. They may also experience sudden changes in the way their bodies function, such as difficulty swallowing or trouble walking. Women who experience one of these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention.
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Many women do not realize the signs of stroke until they experience one, but knowing the symptoms can make the difference between life and death. Women have the same risk factors as men, but women may underestimate the symptoms, which can prevent them from receiving timely treatment. One in five women reported that they knew about only one stroke warning sign. Other women reported feeling weak and experiencing unexplained dizziness. But the most common symptom of stroke in women was sudden loss of speech.
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Because stroke in women is a medical emergency, it is important to seek medical care right away. If you suspect you or a loved one is having a stroke, call 9-1-1 immediately. An ambulance will arrive to the hospital with the best care. Women have some unique risk factors for stroke, including pregnancy, menopause, and older age. Women who take oral contraception or hormone replacement therapy also have an increased risk of stroke.
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Although men are more likely to suffer a stroke, women are twice as likely to experience it. The risk of a stroke increases after the age of 35, and women on birth control or during their final weeks of pregnancy are at higher risk. Other risk factors include stress, as evidenced by a study published in Neurology. While the symptoms of stroke are similar, treatment for women differs slightly. Women may experience different symptoms and a delayed diagnosis can affect their recovery and result in further disability.
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Early treatment of symptoms of a stroke is important, since a woman's chances of full recovery are significantly higher than that of a man. Early detection is crucial in reducing the risk of stroke in women. A woman may be unaware of her symptoms, which is why it's important to seek medical attention right away. Despite the risk factors that women face, early treatment can save lives. The experts at Renown Regional Medical Center have a gold-plus achievement award in stroke treatment and education. The stroke team will help you recognize and treat stroke symptoms in women.
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One unique sign of a stroke in women may be a change in mental state. According to Dr. Greene-Chandos, this could be related to a stroke that involves the posterior circulation. Because the frontal lobe is closely tied to personality, a stroke that affects the frontal lobe may cause these changes. In addition, the symptoms of stroke in women may be less obvious than in men.
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There are many signs of a stroke that can be difficult to identify. One way to tell if you've had a stroke is if the symptoms appeared suddenly. The signs may include drooping arms or face, dizziness, or difficulty speaking or understanding. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, immediately call 911. Be sure to write down the date and time of the onset of the symptoms. If you feel any of these symptoms, make sure you see a doctor immediately.
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The results of the survey show that most women who recognize stroke symptoms would call 9-1-1 before calling 911. But this may be due to chance or respondent characteristics. Despite this, historically, studies have shown that women's knowledge of stroke warning signs is far lower than that of men. The fact that Hispanic women are less likely to call 9-1-1 than white women makes this study all the more important. And it may not even be true that women don't recognize all the stroke warning signs.
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There are other early warning signs of a stroke, and they may be confused with another condition. Women should call 911 immediately. Even if these symptoms are mild, time is critical in the first stages of the stroke. The sooner you get to the hospital, the better. You'll be glad you did. So call 911 today. So, don't delay - call 911 now! The sooner you get treatment, the better. Once you do, you'll be on your way to a full recovery.