Stroke Symptoms in Women - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms in Women
A woman's stroke symptoms may be similar to men's. Some women may dismiss sudden, extremely bad headaches or difficulty walking, as well as a general malaise. Some may even chalk up fainting to a virus or sudden scare. But if any of these symptoms are sudden and unexplained, they should be taken seriously. The following are seven common symptoms of stroke in women. They should be taken seriously if they occur suddenly and affect other areas of the body.
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While the symptoms of a stroke may vary from woman to woman, certain symptoms are more common in women than in men. One of the most unique stroke symptoms in women is a change in mental state. According to Dr. Greene-Chandos, this type of symptom is consistent with a stroke in the posterior circulation. The stroke may target memory or personality. The frontal lobe is tied to personality, so any changes in behavior could be a result of this type of stroke.
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While women are less likely to suffer a stroke than men, their risk of having a stroke increases as they age. Some of these factors include pregnancy and delivery, as well as hormones. Pre-eclampsia and atrial fibrillation are also risk factors for women. Women also face increased risk of stroke if they are taking birth control, are pregnant, or recently gave birth. Some women are also more prone to stroke because of stress. A recent study in Neurology linked high levels of stress at work with an increased risk of stroke in women.
Whether it is a risk factor for a woman or not, women should be educated about stroke symptoms and seek medical attention if they suspect they have had a stroke.
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Shortness of breath or chest pain may be signs of stroke but may also be symptoms of heart attack or posterior circulation problems that affect respiratory drive centers. Early detection of these stroke symptoms is critical, as they could help save a woman's life. Women who don't seek medical attention for the symptoms of stroke will have a lower quality of life than their male counterparts. For women, early detection is the best way to prevent a stroke.
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Fortunately, women are more aware than ever about the symptoms of a stroke. Although women are at a greater risk for stroke than men, stroke is usually a disease of older women and those who take hormone therapies. Women can experience paralysis or loss of control of certain muscles, difficulty speaking and swallowing, and other symptoms. Ultimately, it's crucial to seek medical attention if you have these symptoms. It may be life-threatening to ignore these signs.
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Ischemic strokes are very different from haemorrhagic strokes. These strokes occur when blood flow to a portion of the brain is cut off by blood clots or narrowed arteries. These types of stroke can be sudden, and symptoms may disappear and then reappear. The symptoms of stroke in women are similar to those of men. A woman's lifetime risk of having a stroke is significantly higher than that of a man. Some medical experts attribute this to women's longer lifespans.
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If you suspect a woman may be experiencing a stroke, call 911 or visit your local emergency room immediately. Getting treatment right away will help your recovery and reduce your risk of another stroke. In addition, women's symptoms may differ from men's and can vary depending on the part of the brain affected and the extent of the damage. It's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid further damage to the brain.
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Women who experience migraine headaches may also suffer from ischemic stroke. The symptoms are similar to men's but are caused by blood vessel spasms, which decrease blood flow to the brain and can cause clotting. Women who suffer from migraine headaches have twice the risk of stroke as men do. Treatment for women is vital and can be life-saving if given within three hours of onset. If treatment is delayed too long, the patient may die.
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The best way to diagnose a stroke is to watch for the symptoms of a mini-stroke, also known as a TIA. This condition causes temporary symptoms that may include a loss of vision or muscle control. These symptoms usually go away on their own, but if the condition persists, it is time to seek medical treatment. In the early stages, the symptoms of a stroke are not serious. However, they do present a high risk of long-term disability, so it is important to seek medical treatment right away.