Stroke Symptoms in Women - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms In Women
While strokes in men and women have similar symptoms, there are a few things that make women's stroke symptoms different. Women may be more likely to underestimate their stroke symptoms than men, and they might try to drive themselves to the hospital instead of calling their primary care physician. Fortunately, women often have the tools necessary to identify stroke symptoms, and treatment options. Listed below are some of the most common stroke symptoms in women. They should be recognized and treated right away.
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The symptoms of stroke in women tend to come on slowly and are not as severe as those in men. Still, there are some classic symptoms that are the same in both men and women. These include sudden weakness in one side of the body, difficulty speaking, and drooping facial expressions. Women may also experience loss of consciousness, confusion, or dizziness. Additionally, a woman may experience nausea, vomiting, and hiccups.
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Vertigo - Another common symptom of stroke in women is dizziness. This condition can be difficult to identify as it often feels like a food poisoning. However, if it persists for more than one day, it's worth calling a doctor. Women should also be aware of seizures, which can be a sign of a stroke. Seizures can also be signs of stroke, but they aren't specific to women.
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Premature menopause - While menopause does not cause a woman to have a higher risk of stroke, premature menopause can make her more susceptible. Other health issues, such as smoking, can lead to early menopause and increase the risk of stroke. A woman should see a doctor if she notices any of these symptoms. If she doesn't, she could have a stroke if she doesn't act on them quickly.
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Women are more likely to have a stroke than men. The risk of stroke increases with age and blood pressure. Women also face increased risks during pregnancy and delivery. Preeclampsia, a condition that can lead to high blood pressure, is associated with increased risk of stroke in women. As the age increases, so do the risk factors for preeclampsia and atrial fibrillation. In addition, women are more likely to have blood clots, and a woman's clots may cause the stroke.
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Preeclampsia, pregnancy, and birth control pills all increase risk for stroke. Other risk factors include pregnancy, birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, and migraine with aura. Women are more likely to develop preeclampsia than men, and their stroke symptoms are more difficult to recognize. If you have these stroke symptoms, visit the doctor right away. Your doctor can prescribe a medicine to control the symptoms and treat them accordingly.
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Sudden, severe headaches, difficulty walking, and changes in vision or speech are also common symptoms. Women may feel a general malaise or appear sleepy. Women may also experience numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness on one side of the body. These symptoms may be difficult to diagnose and should be accompanied by a physical exam and blood tests. The doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment if they are not sure what's going on.
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Treatment for stroke in women starts at the emergency room, where the symptoms begin to manifest. Drugs are used to break up a blood clot. These treatments can include procedures to dissolve a clot. Moreover, these treatments have varying effects on women compared to men. For example, thrombolytic medications have worse effects in women than in men. A doctor can give you the appropriate medication and monitor your symptoms closely.