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Stroke Symptoms in Women - Oren Zarif - Stroke Symptoms in Women

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

While men are more likely to have a stroke, women are not immune to this disease. Women are usually older when they suffer a stroke, and are at a higher risk if they are taking certain hormone therapies, such as estrogen. Symptoms of stroke include loss of control over certain muscles and paralysis, which may lead to problems with speech, language, and swallowing. In addition, the most effective treatment is given within three hours of the symptoms.

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Although women are just as knowledgeable about stroke symptoms as men, they often underestimate or minimize their symptoms. They may be more likely to reach their primary physician or drive themselves to the hospital for treatment. However, if they recognize the symptoms of stroke early, it could make a difference. Women who survive strokes can look forward to a full life. By becoming more aware of these symptoms, women can play a key role in helping to save other women.

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Although most people know about the common stroke symptoms in men, they should know that women are more susceptible. A stroke can affect any area of the brain, and symptoms vary by race. Women in Hispanic and white ethnic groups are more likely to experience these symptoms than their male counterparts. If you suspect you or someone you love has experienced these symptoms, call your physician immediately. If your symptoms become worse and last for several days, you may have a stroke. It is vital to seek medical treatment as early as possible to prevent brain damage.

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Another common symptom of stroke in women is dizziness. Women are prone to dizziness, which makes them easily confused with flu or food poisoning. Make sure you call your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. Seizures are another symptom of stroke and are often associated with loss of consciousness. You may not even realize you are suffering from a stroke, so you should visit your doctor immediately. You should not wait until it has progressed to find out whether you have suffered brain damage.

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Other stroke symptoms in women include hiccups and nausea. While they may seem like random occurrences, these are early symptoms of a stroke that is associated with impaired posterior circulation in the brainstem. The brainstem is where the drive to breathe and swallow functions are located. The hiccup is a symptom of a stroke, but it should not be ignored if the underlying cause is unknown.

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While women are more likely to experience the typical symptoms of a stroke, there are other factors that increase the risk of a stroke. As women get older, their risk factors double, and the earlier they are diagnosed, the greater their chance of surviving a stroke. Women, like men, can't change these risk factors, but they can take steps to prevent a stroke by learning what to look for in the symptoms. When you recognize a stroke, the best time to get help is now.

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While men and women have similar risks, women are more likely to experience a stroke. Age increases the risk of stroke and women tend to live longer than men. Other risk factors include pregnancy and delivery. Women are more susceptible to a stroke during these times, and pregnancy can increase the risk of pre-eclampsia, a condition that causes high blood pressure and is associated with a higher chance of developing a stroke.

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Although stroke symptoms in women are subtle, they can still be life-threatening if ignored. Because high blood pressure weakens the arteries in the brain, women with high blood pressure are more likely to experience a stroke. The result of this condition is a dangerous blood clot that can clog an artery and lead to a stroke. Another risk factor for women is pregnancy, which also puts the circulatory system under a lot of strain. Preeclampsia, which occurs in 1 in 25 pregnancies, can cause dangerous spikes in blood pressure.

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Whether a woman suffers from a stroke is an individual decision, but there are many common symptoms. Treatment begins in the emergency room, where medications are given to dissolve a possible blood clot. Other medications are prescribed for relief of symptoms and prevent further damage to the brain. Some stroke treatments differ between men and women. Some, like thrombolytic medications, are not recommended for women. Moreover, women are more likely to experience a stroke if they are taking certain medications that increase their blood clotting.

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