Subtypes of Thalamic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Thalamic Stroke
There are several subtypes of thalamic stroke. Patients with lateral geniculate body infarctions and posterior choroidal artery infarctions have more severe symptoms and cognitive deficits. Fortunately, two-thirds of patients undergoing treatment for thalamic stroke can return to normal lives. The following describes some of these subtypes and their associated symptoms. Listed below are the most common subtypes of thalamic stroke.
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Some patients with thalamic stroke may display symptoms of other types of ischemic strokes. For example, a patient may present with fluctuating consciousness and a right thalamic paramedian infarct. The patient may also display symptoms of arterial hypertension. In a majority of cases, a patient with a thalamic infarct presents as lethargic and difficult to rouse, although some patients may have an alert or resting state. Other atypical stroke presentations include foreign body sensations in the oropharynx and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
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The most common thalamic stroke symptoms are acute movement disorders caused by disruption of important connections and fibres. Delay in recovering from these symptoms is due to cerebral plasticity. In some cases, the hand region may return after a thalamic infarct, with smooth coordinated movements. However, some patients may develop aberrant connections and suffer from abnormal involuntary movements. Therefore, treatment should be tailored to the individual patient's specific needs.
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A population-based MR-study of thalamic stroke should be performed to determine the precise distribution of lesions. It should be noted that this study had only 58 patients with unilateral ITS. Despite the fact that it was not possible to conduct systematic neuropsychological testing in these patients, the neurocognitive information provided by the treating physicians was accurate in 29% of cases. Despite this, the findings could have been inaccurate due to the absence of neuropsychological testing.
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The thalamic atlas is a standard axial plane used in MRI. Several thalamic lesions were identified in a single patient, and their location was defined by superimposing on the thalamic atlas. The radiologist who performed the procedure was blinded to the patient's pain status. MRI-to-atlas superposition was performed in three steps. One step involved identifying the thalamic lesion and extending it onto the axial plane of the Morel atlas.
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In addition to a thalamic stroke, a patient may experience hypoaesthesia to pain and laser heat. A patient may also experience abnormal heat/pain thresholds and lemniscal signs. A patient may have both types of symptoms, but one must note that one of them may be due to an underlying brainstem lesion. This finding has implications for future research. It is crucial that asterixis is diagnosed early and treated accordingly.
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The symptoms of thalamic stroke include speech and communication difficulties. The affected side of the body is also neglected. This can lead to hemispatial neglect, which is when the patient fails to pay attention to the side that was affected. Another sign is hemianopia, where a person has half of his or her visual field missing. Some patients may even develop double vision. In some cases, a person suffering from thalamic stroke may not be able to distinguish colors.
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Although combining anatomical and functional analyses may identify patients with an increased risk of thalamic pain, it is difficult to predict which patients will experience the onset of this condition. Clinical testing and anatomical mapping may be necessary to identify the exact location of the lesion. A combination of these methods could help sort patients at risk for thalamic pain, and may help to improve the quality of care provided to the patients.
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Researchers are still studying the exact causes of thalamic infarction. Bogousslavsky J and Duru AD have both studied the etiology of thalamic infarction. They have also investigated the white matter changes and functional responses in thalamic stroke. In addition, Powell R and Hughes have discussed thalamic stroke and its symptoms. These studies highlight the importance of the thalamus in stroke treatment.
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The main symptoms of thalamic stroke differ from those of other hemispheric strokes. For example, patients with left hemispheric stroke tend to exhibit more severe neurological symptoms than those with right hemispheric stroke. Symptoms of these strokes may be more readily recognized by patients or their next of kin. In addition to the differences in the occurrence of symptoms, thalamic strokes often have a broad spectrum of signs and symptoms that depend on their location, volume, and lateralization.
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A typical thalamic stroke involves several thalamic nuclei. One of these nuclei is located in the anterior pulvinar gyrus. In addition to the thalamic lesion, a thalamic stroke may also include a portion of the anterior pulvinar lobe. As a result, the onset of CPSP is associated with damage in the thalamus.