Symptoms and Treatment of Thalamic Stroke - Oren Zarif - Thalamic Stroke
A thalamic stroke can have severe consequences, but the symptoms of this condition are different for everyone. These include impaired consciousness and behavioral changes. The brain stem is connected to the thalamus, which controls many functions. A thalamic stroke may be life-threatening and requires emergency medical care. Here are some symptoms and treatment options for thalamic stroke. Also known as the "sponge-wave" aorta, a thalamic infarct can cause long-lasting damage.
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The thalamus is a key part of the brain, relaying sensory and motor information to the cerebral cortex. Damage to the anterior nucleus of the thalamus causes neuropsychological symptoms. Patients can have decreased consciousness for hours or days, which can be accompanied by agitation or aggression. Their level of responsiveness can also decrease. Researchers are attempting to better understand the role of the thalamus in sleep, and how it impacts brain function.
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There are 4 main vascular syndromes of thalamic stroke. While these syndromes vary from patient to patient, they share some common symptoms. The clinical signs and symptoms of thalamic stroke may be influenced by the location of the infarct in the thalamus. Patients with small, focal ischemic lesions in one of these areas are considered to be at high risk for this type of stroke.
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In addition to these findings, researchers have found that the distribution patterns of thalamic infarction may be indicative of left-right differences between the two sides of the brain. Thus, these findings may indicate a micro-model of cortical strokes. And although the diagnosis of thalamic infarction is still controversial, the underlying etiology is not known for sure. Nevertheless, neurocognitive data obtained from these studies can help clinicians identify the appropriate treatment.
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One case of a thalamic infarct is reported in a female patient with mixed symptoms. Among these was a patient with irregular consciousness, left facial paresis, and arterial hypertension. This rare case is more likely to occur in patients with chronic hypertension. A thalamic infarct is rare. It's not uncommon for patients with a thalamic infarct to have a history of vascular disease.
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In addition to the symptoms of thalamic stroke, survivors often experience sensory problems. In addition, they may experience pain, impaired sensation, and thermal dysregulation. Treatment for a thalamic stroke focuses on improving physical and psychological health, while decreasing the risk of future strokes. Rehabilitation often includes physical, speech, and occupational therapy. Although the outlook for a thalamic stroke varies from person to person, full recovery is possible for many survivors.
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Neuropsychological studies of thalamic lesions have focused on individual case studies. However, this new study has a larger sample size, involving patients and controls. It used different methods of measuring lesions to test recollection and familiarity. It challenges current models of thalamic lesions. These studies will be very helpful for clinicians and scientists alike. In the meantime, further research is needed to better understand how thalamic lesions affect memory.
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In addition to the symptoms of a thalamic lesion, a thalamic stroke is associated with a variety of behavioral and cognitive deficits. Symptoms of left thalamic aphasia, for example, include decreased verbal output, ataxic hemiparesis, and hypophonic speech. Left thalamic aphasia is also associated with neglect and behavioral changes, but it does not show predominance on one side over the other.
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Moreover, this subgroup of thalamic stroke patients may be missed in the prehospital setting because their symptoms are less prominent than those of left-sided ITS. As a result, they may not receive appropriate stroke care in time. Therefore, a study is warranted to investigate the symptomatology of isolated thalamic stroke patients and determine whether they should be considered in prehospital emergency care. It will also help physicians identify a subset of stroke patients that might be missed in routine clinical care.
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The T1-weighted MRI data of the patients with ITS were aligned to a template developed using two transformation matrices. Patients with left-sided ITS were identified as having thalamic aphasia, while those with right-sided ITS did not exhibit thalamic aphasial symptoms. In 13 patients with left-sided ITS, neuropsychological impairment was evident, and behavioral changes were noted. Two patients with right-sided ITS had neglect, but no lateralization.