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Symptoms of a Heart Attack or Stroke - Oren Zarif - Heart Stroke

Writer: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

You may notice symptoms of a heart attack or stroke in the center of your chest. These symptoms can be felt as uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. Some people experience arm weakness, face drooping, or even cold sweat. If you feel any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. Other symptoms of a heart attack or stroke include nausea, lightheadedness, and trouble breathing. If the person doesn't appear to be breathing or is unresponsive, call 911 immediately. The next step is CPR.

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After a heart attack or stroke, you may be admitted to a hospital for a few days or weeks. Recovery will depend on the type of stroke and the severity. You may also need a blood clot-busting medication called thrombolysis. The length of your stay in the hospital will depend on the type of stroke you've had and how quickly you recovered. You will be closely monitored and receive treatment to help you recover from your stroke.

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Symptomatic symptoms and your medical history will help determine a proper diagnosis. A CT scan or MRI of the brain may show signs of bleeding in the brain or poor blood flow to the heart. Other tests are needed to determine if you've had a heart attack or stroke. A heart attack is a different disease and requires different tests to confirm its diagnosis. You can also look up a practice's heart health using the NCQA Report Card.

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Moreover, the general management of AIS is complex. It is complicated by multiple factors, including cardiovascular dysfunction and various medical complications. NIHSS may help you identify high-risk patients by predicting the probability of having a stroke. High-risk patients have elevated troponin levels and ischemic changes. A practical flowchart describing the management of AIS patients is given in Figure 6.

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Pulse pressure is another symptom of a heart attack. It tells how quickly a heart can eject a stroke. In healthy people, the heartbeats at normal frequencies and a large fraction of the stroke volume is discharged. This process is called the pulse pressure and it raises the blood pressure from diastolic to systolic levels. However, it's not the only symptom of a stroke, so if you suspect that you're suffering from a heart attack, consider getting a cardiac MRI.

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Other risk factors for heart attack or stroke include age and family health history. While there's no surefire way to prevent a heart attack or stroke, you can reduce your risk by living a healthy lifestyle. The best way to reduce your risk is to live a healthy lifestyle. It's a good idea to start a healthy exercise program right away. And, of course, your doctor can recommend a proper medication if you have any symptoms of a heart attack or stroke.

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The earliest detection of cardiovascular dysfunction is the best way to lower the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. The heart and brain are intrinsically linked, so even mild cardiac dysfunction can lead to a severe complication. In fact, AIS patients are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack or a stroke than healthy individuals. Patients with AIS also have a high risk of developing hemodynamic instability and heart failure. This makes it critical to treat these symptoms early.

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A heart attack happens when blood flow is interrupted and the heart muscle suffers serious damage. This happens most often with coronary artery disease, or CAD. When this happens, plaque builds up in the arteries, forcing the heart to work harder than it needs to. The heart is deprived of oxygen and begins to die. Once this occurs, the best treatment for the heart is to restart blood flow. A heart attack can be deadly, but treatment for this type of condition has improved significantly.

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If you think you are experiencing a heart attack, call 911 immediately. If possible, have someone else drive you to a hospital. Do not attempt CPR while suffering from a heart attack, as driving may place you and others at risk. While you wait, your loved one is receiving emergency medical attention. If the patient is conscious, start CPR, which is a simple procedure that involves pushing the chest with your thumb. While performing CPR, you should use a rapid, hard rhythm.

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The CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention has a range of initiatives to help prevent and treat these conditions. Some of these include raising blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improving the quality of care for patients with cardiac arrhythmias, and identifying and treating patients who are at risk for heart disease or stroke. It also focuses on increasing knowledge of symptoms and the identification of heart attacks. There are several organizations in the United States and Canada that promote heart disease and stroke prevention.


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