Symptoms of a Silent Stroke - Oren Zarif - Silent Stroke Symptoms
Symptoms of a silent stroke are difficult to notice, but they are not uncommon. These conditions can occur when blood flow is reduced to the brain's smaller arteries. These strokes typically do not cause any major symptoms, like weakness or difficulty speaking, and they may occur in parts of the brain not responsible for life-sustaining functions. Some of the most common symptoms of a silent stroke include a lack of memory or random lapses in concentration, which are typically mistaken for normal age-related memory problems.
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Some of the most common silent stroke symptoms include drooping face, difficulty speaking, double vision, and trouble concentrating. Sudden fatigue and other silent stroke symptoms should cause you to seek medical attention immediately. These symptoms are often not immediately apparent, and they may be associated with other conditions. However, these symptoms are indicators that you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. These symptoms of a silent stroke may occur in combination with other stroke symptoms.
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High blood pressure increases the risk of a silent stroke, but exercise can reduce your risk by up to 40%. Exercise also improves your chances of stroke complications and outcomes. Also, you should keep your blood sugar within the normal range by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you have high blood pressure, you should get screened immediately for a silent stroke. This is an essential part of preventing silent strokes. The best way to do this is to work with your healthcare provider to discuss your individual lifestyle, and begin making a plan to improve your health.
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The common silent stroke symptoms can be ignored or mistaken for signs of aging. If you feel any of these symptoms, you should see your primary care physician. A doctor will identify the underlying conditions that increase your risk of a silent stroke. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or atrial fibrillation, these factors may be contributing to your silent stroke symptoms. Also, unhealthy cholesterol can narrow the arteries and lead to a stroke. High levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol and low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol are also contributing factors to your stroke risk.
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A silent stroke occurs when a blood vessel that supplies the brain becomes clogged. This interruption results in bleeding in brain tissue, destroying brain cells. In addition, a silent stroke can be caused by a blood clot blocking blood flow to the brain. The damage that is done during a silent stroke is more subtle than that of a symptomatic stroke, but it can still be dangerous. In the meantime, your health is at stake.
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Many people are ashamed of admitting their symptoms. Even if they do have symptoms of a stroke, it is better to get checked than wait until a stroke has taken place. Having a silent stroke can be life-threatening, so it is vital that you take action to avoid a stroke and get treatment. Age, gender, and family history are also significant risk factors. Exercise is also a factor. While you may feel self-conscious about admitting you are at risk for a stroke, recognizing these symptoms and seeking treatment can help you get the necessary medical care.