Symptoms of a Stroke - Oren Zarif - Stroke
If you have experienced a stroke, you should see a doctor and call 911 immediately. Medicine can help to reduce the stroke and its effects on the brain. For example, people with heart defects may receive blood-thinning medication or anti-seizure medicine. A physiatrist (physicist) is a medical professional who treats strokes using different types of therapy. Their aim is to help patients regain function and quality of life.
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Blood that flows to the brain is pumped from the heart. This blood travels to the brain through two paired arteries - the internal carotid artery and the vertebral artery. These two arteries are connected through the basilar artery, which joins the right and left vertebral arteries. The main blood artery in the brain, called the middle cerebral artery, is the most commonly affected during a stroke.
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Symptoms of a stroke depend on where the stroke took place, the type of clot, and the type of treatment. Treatment often involves medications and medicines to lower blood pressure or cholesterol, as well as surgery to unclog the carotid artery, which carries blood to the brain. The goal of treatment is to restore function and prevent further strokes. The treatment for stroke is different from each case, so it is important to discuss the symptoms with your doctor before deciding on a treatment plan.
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Symptoms of a stroke may vary from person to person, and often occur without warning. It can affect the person's vision, senses, reflexes, or even speech. It is important to seek medical attention immediately as stroke symptoms can lead to permanent brain damage. For those suffering from this condition, lowering your blood pressure can reduce the chances of another stroke. This way, you can reduce the risk of a stroke. But, if you're already experiencing the symptoms of a stroke, you should seek medical attention.
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Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), also known as mini-strokes, are symptoms of underlying health problems. If not treated quickly, TIAs can lead to a full stroke and cause permanent damage. While there is no cure for stroke, doctors have made great progress in managing the condition. However, there's no way to predict the time it will take for a stroke to develop. For most people, time is of the essence.
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If you notice any of the symptoms of a stroke, you should get medical attention as soon as possible. Taking immediate action will help you survive the stroke. By seeking medical care within three hours, the symptoms are less severe and the chances of death or permanent brain damage are reduced. This is because the faster you can get to the hospital, the better your chance of survival. This way, you'll be in good hands for recovery. But you'll need to know what to do in case your symptoms return.
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If you suspect a stroke, you can do CPR on the person who has collapsed. Generally, most stroke patients do not need CPR. However, if you discover an unconscious person, call 911 and begin CPR while you wait for an ambulance. CPR involves repeated, steady chest compressions. If the patient's condition is severe enough, tPA can dissolve the blood clot, restoring brain function. It's important to remember that aspirin causes more bleeding if given to a patient within four hours of stroke symptoms.
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A physiatrist can supervise the care of patients who have suffered a stroke. Because no treatment can replace the dead brain cells, the remaining brain cells can learn how to do their functions. For example, a young person may be able to regain use of their arms and legs, and even speak again. Although this may take some time, young stroke survivors have an edge over adults. In addition to being able to interact normally, they can continue to be active in their communities.
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A CT scan is another way to detect a stroke. Known as carotid duplex scan, it helps doctors look into the carotid arteries that supply blood to the brain. If you suspect an ischemic stroke, the doctor may perform an echocardiogram, which records electrical activity in the heart and detects heart conditions that may have caused the stroke. Hemorrhagic strokes, on the other hand, are caused by a weak blood vessel bursting, causing blood to enter the brain and cause damage to surrounding tissue.
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Smoking is another risk factor for stroke. Not only does smoking harm the blood vessels in the heart, but it also raises blood pressure. Damaged heart valves also increase the risk of stroke. A stroke risk increases with age and a family history of the disease. It is also increased in African-Americans compared to white people. Women and people with diabetes are also at greater risk than men. A high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol increase the risk of a stroke. People who have suffered a stroke are more likely to have another.