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Symptoms of Cerebellar Stroke - Oren Zarif - Cerebellar Stroke

Writer's picture: Oren ZarifOren Zarif

A cerebellar stroke is not the same as a traditional brain attack. These strokes are often accompanied by nonspecific symptoms, rather than the more obvious ones such as loss of coordination and vision. Because of this, many survivors of cerebellar stroke may not seek medical treatment until their symptoms have become severe. As a result, it is important to seek medical care as soon as you suspect a stroke. Here are a few symptoms you may notice from a cerebellar stroke.

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Symptoms of cerebellar stroke are generally non-specific, and the presentation depends on the extent and location of the lesion. However, a thorough history and neurological exam are critical to determining the diagnosis. Although the symptoms and signs of cerebellar stroke may vary among patients, the treatment of cerebellar stroke is often the same, regardless of where the lesion occurred. Although symptoms may vary among patients, it is important to recognize them as soon as possible.

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While only 10% of patients have cerebellar strokes, the mortality rate is very high. Approximately half of those who survive cerebellar strokes will have long-term deficits. Patients with cerebellar stroke often have symptoms like ataxia, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and a prominent headache. Risk factors for cerebellar stroke include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and cigarette smoking. A high index of suspicion is essential in the diagnosis of cerebellar stroke.

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The symptoms of cerebellar infarction are similar to those of a cerebral infarction, with a higher mortality rate associated with large ischemic territories. However, thanks to improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of cerebellar hemorrhage, the rate of this complication has decreased. Moreover, early recognition and treatment are critical, as delayed diagnosis can lead to the development of cerebral edema and the patient may even go into a coma.

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As with any neurological injury, rehabilitation for cerebellar stroke should include exercises that improve mobility and strength. Physical therapists teach patients how to use their legs, arms, and hands in a range of exercises. Patients may also benefit from foam-ball throwing to improve coordination. But physical therapy for cerebellar stroke may take several years, so it's essential to seek treatment early. In the meantime, remember to stay positive.

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Patients with cerebellar stroke should be admitted to a neurologic intensive care unit for 72-96 hours. These patients should be closely monitored by neuroscience nursing staff and undergo frequent physician reexaminations. If the patient's neurologic state improves, he or she should be moved to a ward for close observation. And if your condition doesn't improve, your physician should consider surgery. However, if you have suffered a cerebellar stroke, you shouldn't be afraid of undergoing treatment.

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Cerebellar strokes are characterized by their location. Small cerebellar infarcts are most likely to affect the cerebellar cortex and the surrounding white matter. Larger cerebellar infarctions usually involve the entire cerebellar cortex, while small infarcts affect just the cerebellar cortex. These smaller infarctions, also known as transient infarctions, are not uncommon.

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The distribution of cerebellar infarcts varies in different people. While the border zone may be the only possible contributor to cerebellar stroke, it is highly variable in a single patient and cannot be definitive. However, later studies have suggested that occlusion of small arteries may be an essential prerequisite in the pathogenesis of small cerebellar infarcts. In addition, studies have shown that there is a functional topographic organization of the cerebellum between the anterior and posterior lobes.

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One case study involved a 66-year-old man who was experiencing the worst headache of his life. Within hours, he was unresponsive and intubated. He was then defibrillated and resuscitated after ventricular tachycardia. His HCT showed a 4-cm hematoma in his left cerebellar hemisphere with occlusion of his basal cilia. He was transferred to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. He was comatose and had fixed vitreal hemorrhages.

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The cerebellum is a part of the brain that controls movement and balance. It lies at the back of the brain and has left and right hemispheres, each controlling a side of the body. Cerebellar strokes typically affect the corresponding side of the cerebellum. A cerebellar stroke may lead to specific impairments or symptoms. This is why doctors recommend early treatment. The chances of recovery are high.

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The SCA and PICA supply the anterior and posterior lobes, respectively. The SCA and PICA have circumferential branches that run perpendicular to the cerebellar folia. The PICA and SCA branch out to small perforating arteries, which penetrate the cerebellum. These arteries are present throughout an individual's life. In strokes, the primary artery of the cerebellum is responsible for the majority of ischemia, so the location of the CI should be determined by a physician before the symptoms of a stroke are noticed.


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